Will Preston was first introduced to music fans with the release of his debut project, It’s
My Will, on the West King Entertainment imprint. It’s My Will garnered rave reviews
and was featured on many well-known and respected radio stations and websites around
the world. Numerous magazine articles and television appearances helped fuel the
debut’s success, which went on to gain distribution and licensing deals in the UK, Japan,
Germany, Spain, Canada, The Netherlands and many other territories, solidifying its
reputation as one of the most significant debut efforts by an independent artist. But long
before the release of his debut project, Will was laying the foundation for his foray onto
the music scene. While growing up in Virginia, he always knew that music was his
calling. A quick read of the liner notes of his first release tells of the fascination with his
grandmother’s vast collection of records and how he imagined as a young boy that he
would one day see himself on the cover of an album. He never lost sight of that vision.
Will followed his debut release with Caught In The Act…The LIVE Experience, a
double disc CD/DVD that gave fans a more intimate look into his artistry. Most of the
set was filled with live arrangements of the songs presented on the debut project. He
followed that release with #reacquainted where he teamed up once again with Billboard
charting producer Funkeeboy on four of the project’s songs, rekindling the magic that
they created on the debut album, It’s My Will. The buzz surrounding the release of reacquainted led to a nomination for Best R&B Male artist at the Highly coveted Georgia Music Awards.
In 2020, Will released Where Do I Begin?. On the twelve-track collection, he delivered
an edgier sound while maintaining the soulful sophistication that he is widely known for.
Standout singles Never Knew Love, Let’s Play, and The End continue to amass
accolades worldwide.
Recently, Will teamed up with multi-award-winning producer Eric Seats (Aaliyah,
Pharell, Jay-Z, Lalah Hathaway, and others) to release the single That Good Love, which
charted in its first week at #16 on Amazon’s UK Hot New Releases Chart. The song
appeared on Seat’s Sidiooo Vol. 3 collection and continues to enjoy chart success.
Currently, Will is preparing for the release of his next project slated for release in April.
His natural penchant as a lyricist continues to shine on the upcoming set. His first single,
Of Course I Lied takes a diversion from the trademark sentiments of reciprocated love
found in many of his prior releases. It’s a story of unrequited love, offering listeners an
inside view of an uncomfortable and seemingly tumultuous end. It’s filled with unbridled
emotion and is unapologetically soulful. Of Course I Lied has already blazed a trail on
Spotify and other streaming sites and is the perfect teaser to what is to come.
Stay Connected with Will on Social Media:
Instagram: @thewillpreston
Twitter: @thewillpreston
TikTok: @yepthewillpreston
Website: www.willpreston.com