Paranormal News

Elizondo Met UFO Program Point Man From 1980s – Silva Record

On 7-19-20, going into 7-20-20, Coast to Coast AM with host George Knapp featured two members of TTSA, who are also partially responsible for heightened awareness of the UAP issue in the government, Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon. Elizondo spoke about the legality of hidden programs, and IF they do exist, how members could be facing prison. He also recounted a meeting he had where he met the point man for a United States Government UFO program active in the 1980s. This is the first time Lue has confirmed a US Government UFO program that operated before AATIP and AAWSAP. Elizondo’s story is as follows:

George, I’m going to share something with you, and frankly the rest of America,  I’ve never shared before. I’m not going to go into specifics, but not too long ago I was brought up into a meeting on the Hill and some individuals, and I won’t say who I was speaking with, but I sat in a room and there was a gentleman, an older gentleman sitting in the corner and he didn’t introduce himself and I certainly wasn’t going to ask who he was because I was being invited by some individuals to have a conversation at the classified level, so I answered their questions. And then the individual came up and he introduced himself to me and he said, “Look, I had your job,” and I said, “Oh, really? From what perspective?” ’cause I had a lot of jobs in the government. I wasn’t quite sure what he meant and he said, “No, I had your job and I had your job (with a particular service, I’m not going to mention what service it was)” and he said, “and I had your job back in the ’80s.” And that struck me. At that point…and he said it in front of other people and those individuals somehow recognized or acknowledged him, KNEW that this guy was obviously very legitimate and he was having a classified discussion right now with myself and many other people and they knew who he was. I didn’t know who he was. That tells me there is at least some sense of legacy, that his issue has perkalted before and been on somebody’s radar at high levels. Now I don’t want to hypothesize any further than that because I don’t know. I wasn’t going to ask him any more details. I wasn’t there to ask him questions. I was there for them to ask me questions, but it was very clear to me that AATIP was not the first of its kind ever. There was an organized effort back in the ’80s to do exactly this as well. Now, how far they got? I don’t know because what was told to me, verbatim was, “We didn’t get as far as you guys.” Now I don’t know necessarily what he meant by that. I don’t know if he meant from a personnel perspective or having political support like we did with Harry Reid and Stevens and Inouye, or if he meant from a budgetary perspective, or if he meant from a findings perspective. I really don’t know, George, but that was true and there were witnesses to that meeting. So that tells me that there has been an interest by at least some folks in government about this topic at least going back to the 80s that I can say I know for a fact because I met somebody who apparently was doing it.

Among other things, the topic of ongoing UFO events was also brought up:

Many other interesting topics were discussed and everyone should listen to the full show.

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