Pop Culture

On His Own by Paweł Franik

Paweł Franik, a gifted photographer out of Warsaw, Poland, has presented a superb, individualistic series named On His Own. In this series, Franik draws attention to being content while being alone with oneself; it observes loneliness as a positive rather than a negative.

Writing about the series Franik stated “I show this loneliness as something peculiar, something entirely human. Because every one of us, whether lonely or living in a happy relationship and having their own family, everyone needs their moment of loneliness, the moment of devoting attention to just their own self, their own thoughts and reflections. We live in a world of tremendous acceleration and the constant quest for our purposes, in the world where there is no place for the proverbial “minute for one’s own self”, for the time when you could stop, talk to your own thoughts and feel the desirable harmony. From minute to minute, we outlive our lives and get lost in this rush. Would it be worth to stop and look deep in our hearts?.”

Find more work by Paweł Franik here.

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