For those who enjoyed it the first time around, Haunted PS1 are at it again. The community for low-rez horror games has announced that they’re accepting submissions from indie devs from now until January 31st for the 2021 edition of their Demo Disk.
As it was before, the Demo Disk will be a game launcher “full of demos for games released in the past year or releasing in the future” from creators. The group isn’t necessarily looking for full games, either. Also, this isn’t a game jam, and so making a game/demo specifically for this collection “isn’t recommended”. As the description on the submission form details, the Demo Disk is “intended to get games from our community in front of a lot of people and to create awareness for developers who’s work our fans can support.”
If you missed the first go-round, you can check out the 2020 Demo Disk here on
It makes me very happy to announce that we are planning the Haunted PS1 Demo Disc 2021.
Fans make sure you’re following this twitter.
More importantly though devs working on cool low rez horror games you have until the end of January to submit your demo.
— HauntedPS1 (@HauntedPs1) November 22, 2020