Technically an unofficial sequel to Werner Herzog’s brilliant Nosferatu the Vampyre, the lesser-known film Nosferatu in Venice came along nearly ten years later, putting Klaus Kinski back in the title role of the infamous blood-sucker. Saving the film from obscurity, Severin Films has announced this week that they’re bringing Nosferatu in Venice to Blu-ray next year!
Severin details, “What was intended to be an unofficial sequel to Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu instead became one of the most notoriously fascinating productions in EuroCult history: Klaus Kinski – “now fully in the grip of the ‘batsh*t crazy’ phase of his career” (Rock! Shock! Pop!) – gives his penultimate performance as the legendary vampire resurrected in modern-day Venice with an insatiable hunger for warm blood and rough sex.
“Donald Pleasence and Academy Award® winner Christopher Plummer co-star in this sumptuously insane shocker that features music by Oscar® winner Vangelis (Chariots of Fire), employed five different directors – including Mario Caiano (Nightmare Castle), Luigi Cozzi (Paganini Horror), writer/producer Augusto Caminito and reportedly Kinski himself – and still delivers “one eye-popping scene after another” (Cinema Retro), now scanned in 2k from the original negative.”
Special Features include:
- Creation is Violent: Anecdotes From Kinski’s Final Years – Feature length documentary
- Additional Cast & Crew Interviews
- Trailer
Nosferatu in Venice sinks its teeth into Blu-ray on March 30, 2021.