Sega’s Alien: Isolation is a bona fide modern classic of Survival Horror. Sega’s Aliens: Colonial Marines? Less so. You would think that a studio like Gearbox would have made a game like Colonial Marines an easy slam dunk. So, what happened?
GVMERS is back again with another of their documentaries, this time looking at the faceplant that was Aliens: Colonial Marines. For a game that sure looked promising, Colonial Marines ended up being a flop in multiple ways. From drastically different visuals in the final product from the original demo, to when you have a user fixing the crippled AI with a simple typo in the code, you can probably surmise what went on.
The happy ending is that we still got Alien: Isolation after all of this, though it remains to be seen if we’ll ever get a sequel to that one.
In case you were wondering, you can still grab Colonial Marines on Steam, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, though your best best if you want to play a “fixed” version is to go with the Steam version.