Last week, Capcom announced that Resident Evil Village had shipped over 3 million units. Capcom has now updated their sales figures for their other titles as of March 31st, 2021, with the usual suspects adding to their standing on Capcom’s “Platinum Titles” list of games that have sold in excess of 1 million units.
To no one’s surprise, Monster Hunter: World is still the top-selling Capcom title ever with over 17.1 million units, with its expansion, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne having sold 7.7 million units across the PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Next in line is Resident Evil 7, which has now sold over 9 million units worldwide, making it the best-selling RE game to date (not counting re-releases or remasters). However, the Resident Evil 2 remake isn’t too far behind with 8.1 million units. Meanwhile, the Resident Evil 3 remake is still chugging along with 4 million units sold.
What about Resident Evil 4 and its many remasters/re-releases? The PS2 version current sits at 2.3 million, while the PS4/Xbox One version is at 2.2 million. The Wii version has 2 million units sold, while the Gamecube original is at 1.6 million. The PC “Ultimate HD Edition” sits at 1.4 million, while the PS3/Xbox 360 version is at 1.2 million. Adding all of those up gives Resident Evil 4 a total of 10.7 million units, which would technically make it the best-selling Resident Evil game.
But, you know, Capcom.
That number for RE4 will obviously change once the VR version is released later this year, and will be changing big-time if/once Capcom releases that remake (which still hasn’t officially been announced).
Resident Evil Village is out now on PC, Google Stadia, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series.