Kate Middleton attended Wimbledon on Friday, and she arrived looking as stylish as ever. She wore a midi pleated navy blue and white polka-dot skirt by Alessandra Rich, paired with a white blouse, a navy blazer, and white heels. She matched the whole ensemble with a white Mulberry “Amberley” handbag, Simone Rocha pearl earrings, and a blue-and-white-floral-patterned face mask.
Here she is in the stands:
Per People, the Duchess of Cambridge was at the tournament to help prepare food in the kitchens on the grounds. She made this effort to showcase the work that the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) have been doing to make and distribute 200 meals a day during the pandemic.
Before her work in the kitchens, the duchess did watch a little bit of tennis and was joined alongside the court by AELTC chief executive Sally Bolton and committee member and retired British tennis star Tim Henman.
Kate is the patron of the AELTC, and this was certainly not her first time at Wimbledon. In 2019, the last time Wimbledon took place, the duchess was famously joined by her sister-in-law, Meghan Markle, and her sister, Pippa Middleton.
During her interview with the former royal, Oprah Winfrey asked Meghan if the images of the two enjoying the tournament together reflected the actual mood in the moment.
“When you say, ‘Was it what it looked like?’, my understanding and my experience of the past four years is it’s nothing like what it looks like.”
“When you say, ‘Was it what it looked like?,’ my understanding and my experiences of past four years is nothing like what it looked like,” she said. Speaking of rumored controversy with Kate, Meghan also said that Kate is “a good person, and I think so much of what I have seen play out was this idea of polarity where if you love me you don’t have to hate her, and if you love her, you don’t need to hate me.”
Earlier this week, Kate joined Prince William and their oldest child, Prince George, at England vs. Germany football (soccer) game at Wembley.
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