Season four of Paramount Network’s drama Yellowstone premiered on Sunday with Kevin Costner leading the powerful Dutton family through its trials. The Duttons will get their own origin story in the upcoming prequel 1883, which stars Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Sam Elliott, and Billy Bob Thornton. The teaser for the new show also aired on Sunday.
Like Yellowstone, 1883 was created by Taylor Sheridan and looks back to a time in U.S. history of westward exploration and growth. The teaser features several scenes from the show that underscore the arduous journey to build a new life in unknown, unsettled territory. “The road west is filled with failures,” says one actor in overlaid dialog. The trailer features breathtaking vistas along with big drama, from houses burning and territorial battles to Wild West gunplay.
As previously announced, McGraw and Hill play James and Margaret Dutton, from whom Kevin Costner’s John Dutton is descended. Sam Elliott will join them as Shea Brennan, the leader of a group of people who leave Texas for new lives in Montana. Both McGraw and Hill have taken on acting roles in addition to their singing careers, with McGraw’s parts including The Blind Side and Hill appearing in The Stepford Wives. The cast also features Billy Bob Thornton, LaMonica Garrett, and Isabel May.
Yellowstone airs Sundays on Paramount Network. 1883 premieres Dec. 19 on Paramount+.