Movies, Paranormal News

Filmmaker Spotlight: Rob Jankowski “Attached: Paranormal”

Rob Jankowski’s incredible indie feature film “Attached: Paranormal” is now available in over 60 countries OnDemand via Amazon Prime Video, VUDU, Fandango,  iTunes, Microsoft, The Dish Network, Apple Plus, iTunes,  and Google Play.

“Attached: Paranormal” – “Local Death Deemed Suicide For Years” ….

A man is found dead in his home deemed suicide for years by the local authorities. Years later tapes of the incident suddenly get released by a local detective’s son. Do You Believe In the Paranormal?


Rob Jankowski is a triple threat in this Paranormal/Horror Thriller, as writer, director and star of this new entry in the genre.

“Attached: Paranormal” features an amazing cast including Jeff Dernlan, Bonnie Mercado, Jack Cullinan and Marie Lyn.

Watch the trailer for “Attached: Paranormal” here:

Check out “Attached: Paranormal” on IMDB:

Actor/Director/Writer Rob Jankowski on IMDB:


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