Ela Minus has shared a new video for ‘N19 5NF’, the opening track to her 2020 LP acts of rebellion. The clip, directed by Losmose, was shot in Mexico City. In the video’s opening club scene, she also previews the opening section of a brand new track. Check it out below.
‘N19 5NF’ is named after the London zip code of a hospital where Minus gained consciousness after being in the ICU for two days. “It’s where I believe my life before this album ended and a new life began,” she explained in a press release. Of the video, she added: “I found that through the making of this song and video, reality was transfigured. It illuminated it and revealed its true grinning monstrous teeth. Through this transfiguration I was able to find a voice, not a discourse, but a personal voice looking for an ear or an eye to meet. This video is important because of my own story and the empowerment it can give to others through my way of telling it.”