Paranormal News

Spotlight on the Paranormal: Philip Adrian Booth & Christopher Saint Booth

    Philip Adrian Booth & Christopher Saint Booth -Director, producer, composer, writer, and editors of films, TV, and documentaries for Syfy Channel, Chiller, NBC Universal, Sony Pictures, Redbox, Amazon, Destination America, Discovery, Travel Channel, Netflix, iTunes, Disney, Hulu, Vimeo, YouTube Red, Spooked Productions, AT&T, Roku, Apple TV, and foreign distributors worldwide. CEO of Spooked Productions and Twintalk Entertainment. Known for films: Never Blink, Dead Still (Syfy) Death Tunnel (Sony Pictures), The Possessed, Spooked, Children of The Grave (as seen on Syfy), The Exorcist File (Destination America, Redbox), Exorcism Live (Destination America), and DarkPlace (Amazon).

   Born in Yorkshire, England they started their career at an early age. Influenced by The Beatles, singing and strumming at the age of four. Atlantic crossing brought them to Canada where at the age of thirteen they were writing and performing at the local establishments. In 1978 they were invited to combine forces with, Juno award winner, Sweeney Todd. (London Records) Worldwide touring commenced immediately as their new gold album paved their way to sunny California. Upon arriving in Los Angeles, greeted with a publishing deal (RCA Music) they began writing vocalizations and musical scores for film, cable, and television. 
Desires of new creative outlets began development, now reaching out to the visual side of entertainment. Audio with Video studios was soon built to quench this creative thirst. Christopher and Philip, successful film and music Directors, Producers has written, edited, animated, scored some of Billboard’s Top Ten releases including, TV and Film Features, Erotic Thrillers, Paranormal Documentaries, Music Videos, and worldwide releases.
   Internationally renowned for their provocative style, independent films soon broadened the horizon. Financing a million-dollar HD digital domain in Los Angeles California is where they would design and build their ultimate dreams. As well as endorsed by an array of electronic arts manufacturers, no boundaries would be left untouched. Every new technical toy that the eyes and ears could ever dream of soon became vivid. As Apple-licensed developers and 3rd party designers for SoftImage, AMP, APDA, and Microsoft, the Booths continued to design the future of entertainment and media for all platforms. New concepts with slick designs go hand in hand with the latest web technology. With over 100 features behind them built all from scratch with the insight of what’s happening tomorrow for the people today. A panoramic view of freedom with the fresh scent of change inspires this duo to create a brave new world for your eyes and ears. 

Christopher Saint Booth: Producer, Spooked TV Networks Email: [email protected]

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