Horror, Paranormal News


Dreamland? You mean closed-time curved loop reality or valley of shadow of death, do you not? I mean, that is what the Mandela effect is, after all. And if I am here and you are here. Means we both are dead. Is that not funny? To think about the last ten minutes of your life wherever your original body is at. Traveling your soul travels the ways to get back to your original body for the day of judgment. Believe me. Dream South America picks itself up and moves towards Africa. The rest of the changes in time travel or death are small in comparison.

My memory on Sagittarius earth, the internet stated the galaxy to be 377,000 light-years across. Compared to here, 100,000 light-years across. Maybe you are insane? Sure. Does not mean I did not read it on the internet. Write about it in a poem about the next galaxy to hit the Milky Way in 365,000 years compared to here 4.5 billion years.

Dreamland continents moving, earth moving, time traveling back into the past. Which has William Shakespeare’s grave. His father’s name and profession as a glove maker. His wife Ann Hathaway, along with children’s names. In my reality, as a high schooler British Literature class. Our discussion was on whether Shakespeare was several poets or a court noble. Not about his home is in England which was unknown.

Is the question of dreamland real? Are we real or just stabilized light for a day or moment in time, waiting on our bodies to die some place? The oddity of the Mandela effect or dreams which have real meaning? I am pretty Beam Me Up Scotty I heard in my world yet here? It is a meme conspiracy of the Mandela effect.

What is at stake in this dreamland? I was not expecting to see plague, the coming thermonuclear war, and famine. All caused by the United States government in their own land. I mean, the entire book of Revelation happening within a short period is awe inspiring to watch in a dream or death. The real question is, when will Christ return? Or and here is the oddity of the Mandela effect knowing that other worlds did not see Christ. While I passed through their realities. Then hearing about how Hawaii got nuked December 2017. How other worlds’ gasses came up from the ocean. Killing everyone within minutes. The gas covered the earth so fast.

Walking into the dreamland I often wonder, did I do right? I pray a lot more than when I knew I was on Sagittarius, that’s for sure. Dreamland seems more like a living nightmare. To watch the horror Revelation happening to humanity and only be able to write about the history you see. Meaning? Hillary Clinton was right in my world, or at least in sixth grade, she was. Abe Lincoln, you see, was a senator for my essay back then.

Submitted by:

Clinton Siegle


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