
John DiLeo Guests on TriVersity Talk! Wednesday December 7th, 2022 at 7 PM ET

Wendy Stuart Kaplan and Steven Bloomer-Teague will be hosting TriVersity Talk this Wednesday at 7 pm ET in a replay with featured guest John DiLeo. This episode is a part of The Best Of TriVersity Talk series that takes place on the first Wednesday of each month.


TriVersity Talk is a weekly web series with featured guests discussing their lives, activism and pressing issues in the LGBTQ Community. With TriVersity Talk!, the goal is to laugh and learn.


TriVersity Talk! Is part of TriVersity’s ICARE Initiative. ICARE stands for Increasing Community Awareness through Relevant Education. ICARE Programs are generously funded by The Greater Pike Community Foundation.


John DiLeo is the author of six books about classic movies:  And You Thought You Knew Classic Movies, 100 Great Film Performances You Should Remember—But Probably Don’t, Screen Savers: 40 Remarkable Movies Awaiting Rediscovery, Tennessee Williams and Company: His Essential Screen Actors, Screen Savers II: My Grab Bag of Classic Movies, and Ten Movies at a Time: A 350-Film Journey Through Hollywood and America 1930-1970.  He has been an annual participant in the Black Bear Film Festival (Milford, PA), conducting onstage interviews with Farley Granger (2005), Arlene Dahl (2006), Marge Champion (2010), Keir Dullea (2013), Jane Powell (2015), Rex Reed (2016), Tab Hunter (2017), Lorna Luft (2018), and Jane Alexander (2018).  He’s on Instagram (john.dileo.12), Twitter (@JOHNDiLEO), and his website is

His latest film book is due out in September of 2021.


Watch TriVersity Talk! Live on Wednesday at 7 PM ET on YouTube here:




The official website for the TriVersity Center may be found at


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