All Her Fault is an upcoming thriller series at coming to Peacock, which has recently added Dakota Fanning and Abby Elliot to the cast. Deadline reports that, Fanning will play Jenny, while Elliott will play Lia. Both actresses join the already named cast in Sarah Snook as Marissa Irvine, Jake Lacy as Peter, Sophia Lillis as Carrie, and Michael Peña as Detective McConville.
“Set in Chicago, Marissa Irvine (Snook) arrives at 14 Arthur Avenue, expecting to pick up her young son Milo from his first playdate with a boy at his new school,” the official logline reads. “But the woman who answers the door isn’t a mother she recognizes. She isn’t the nanny. She doesn’t have Milo. And so begins every parent’s worst nightmare.”
Megan Gallagher serves as writer, creator, and executive producer on All Her Fault. The series is adapted from Andrea Mara’s best-selling novel of the same name.
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