Vertical has dropped the trailer for Winner, a dark comedy biopic starring Emilia Jones as American whistleblower and former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner. It’s directed by Susanna Fogel who aims to give a new take on Reality Winner’s story. Winner is set to hit theaters on September 13, 2024.
“Reality Winner is a brilliant young misfit from a Texas border town who loves her pink gun almost as much as helping others. After teaching herself Arabic in high school so she can be of service in the Middle East, Reality is recruited by the Air Force but quickly becomes disillusioned when she finds her morals challenged. After transitioning to a money gig as an NSA contractor, Reality stumbles upon government secrets regarding Russia’s election hacking during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Does she expose the truth or keep quiet? Ultimately, she decides to leak the truth leading to her trial and historic sentencing for espionage.”
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