Horror, Paranormal News, Pop Culture

UFO, Drones or What?

Investigative piece by Nicholas R. Grossman

My name is Nicholas R. Grossmann from Ghost Storm Investigations. Many may know me, as I have a presence with the paranormal in the newspapers. In Ghost Storm Investigations in the past 5 years the paranormal has been at an all time high with not just spirits but creatures, beings, and orbs of light that we have on film and is in our documentary entitled Expedition Hell. I may be able to share some footage with you. We have what we believe is an Extraterrestrial looking at us in the window. We also have a few photos of interdimensional beings and they are not friendly ones. My team Ghost Storm and CTPAST have risked our lives and went into the most dangerously bizarre situations and cases in Connecticut and filmed for about 5 years. We will be launching our documentary soon but let me tell you that psychics defying supernatural spirits are real.

 We had a case in Fairfield County where a lady and family were visited by these drones at night and the wee hours of the morning. They communicated with her and shined lights and put on a light show for her. We went and investigated and saw a strange formation in the sky that is indescribable. This lady has photos of these Drone and UFOs in action coming as close as 100ft H from the house she lives in. She showed me fascinating photos and one photo she claims the UFO/Drone made a cloud/smog formation that looked just like her dog. That may sound silly, but she showed me the photo and I’ve seen it for myself.

Photo of what we believe to be an interDimenional being in Stratford CT (there’s more to this story) and taken by Jeff Gerry.

Apparently many believe that these interdimensional drones come from the ocean! The ocean has only explored about 10%  of the liquid terrain. Without a doubt and logically would mean that there are many things out there yet to be discovered. Think of the ground and Earth and what may be underneath the ground and soil. That’s a lot of space that it has and  I’m sure it also has all sorts of underground caverns and tunnels. Logically there should be a 90% chance that there would be some form of life down there as well possibly civilization.

Interdimensional being clinging to my third eye or pineal gland.

  As for our Military the fighter jets have in the past tried to shoot these UFOs or UAPs down but each time they do their computers get jammed. A number of pilots also reported that they followed the U.A.P. and it instantly dove into the ocean meaning it was skimming the ocean’s surface about roughly 767 mph to 1,520 mph, and instantly in a hair of a split second it dove underwater in perfect formation. It’s almost like a 90 degree angle. U.A.Ps also go too fast for a human being to withstand without collapings in its human body from the G Force. Any living creature on earth would die.

      Just the night before I saw one drone in Seymour Connecticut and a pretty big one in Norwalk. It was very quiet and almost in a perfect direction and I mean perfect it flawlessly zoomed by. I mean flawless and limitless in the scientific patter of flight as to our understanding. The truth is though We have been dealing with this for the past 5 years but now these UFOs or U.A.P.s are all over the place! I literally can walk out of the front door and stand on the porch for 5 minutes and most likely one will be gliding by. I have also seen flying saucer-like ones with lights that seem to circle the craft. I will only get into some of the many experiences I have experienced here and we are talking over 20 years of eccentric studies. 

       As for my opinion… I’ve seen so many bizarre things in the paranormal cases all over CT and New England. I think these are ETs or Interdimensional beings that are putting a halt on our government and I think it’s possible to prepare for a takeover. Our planet is unhealthy and under the weather (literally) to the point that these otherworldly beings have to seize the military so they can fix stuff for us. If though they are beings from the ocean that has remained introverted from the public or our species, then we are destroying their planet also as they too are Earthlings. So maybe they are coming up to save not just our planet but there’s also. These beings just may have gills to breathe water or have breathing systems biologically made to handle ultra low oxygen levels to live underground. In physics an atom is what everything is made up of but atoms adapt to its surroundings, so who is to say that just because Jupiter or Pluto is not  inhabited, only because we can’t sustain ourselves in gas and freezing conditions. Why are we so egotistical as a human race to think that just because we can’t survive in conditions like this doesn’t mean some other life hasn’t adapted.

         There have been sharks and fish that have adapted to over 100 degrees fahrenheit. The environment around the underwater volcano Kavachi, also known as “Sharkcano”, can reach temperatures of up to 100°F:. There are species of sharks like the Hammerhead shark that make this volcano home. We would boil and melt or any other species including most marine life would have almost an instant death. These Hammerheads adapted to it and call it home sweet home! Is this not proof of atoms adapting…?

 Here’s a funny memory. I was a cashier at a supermarket in 1997 17 years of age and I always talked with the customers. There was one lady that I always talked to and she asked me “What do I want to be and go study?” I told her that “I want to be a UFOlogist.” She told me to “ Grow up and study for a real career.” 

I would love to know what she thinks now!

This may be an opinion essay but these U.A.P. are physics defying crafts that are beyond our laws of electricity, engineering  and science! That’s the truth.


Nicholas R. Grossmann

Psychic medium and knowledge seeker




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