Paranormal News

The Serpent’s Boneyard

         Most people in Connecticut aren’t even aware that we have a serial killer on the loose. He or She has been taking street workers from Waterbury, Connecticut; all to murder them and disassemble them. So, there’s no nickname for this cold blooded phantom of the woods in Litchfield. But, this phantom is very much alive and in the area. I’m also pretty sure he knows who Ryan and myself are. Ryan will tell you how he got chased down by a truck one night. We have also met some strange characters. One character in general was acting strange to a woman who was investigating with us. Something was off about that one but I can’t point my finger just yet, without proper evidence.

It’s in this piney forest in Litchfield, with an abandoned road practically in the wilderness and this time not looking for sasquatch or dogman but a human being or human by flesh and demon by soul. You would think it’s the perfect place to get some fresh clean air but for psychics like me, the air is thick and darker. 

There’s a massive opioid problem here in New Haven and around the country. I see these homeless people and street workers as victims…..Most of them are victims of the pharmaceutical industry. Just recently the industry now makes it extremely hard to be able to get prescribed narcotics because it was like selling candy. Luckily, I’ve never had a sweet tooth. In the ER after a surgery now there’s a 80% chance you will just get motrin. This is because the pharmaceutical industry is in trouble for pushing their narcotics on society. Lots of these people go from Oxycontin or even Percocet to Heroin or to Fentanyl. We as society have been controlled by this cartel called the pharmaceutical industry. Next time you see someone who’s an addict or homeless, think of the above before you judge! These substances were pushed on people by a large majority. I’m fortunate to not be an addict of sorts.

               Another cause of this is because our farms have soil and grounds that have been over-farmed which means they lack important nutrients such as Zinc and vitamin D that are essential for happiness. If the cows are eating watered down grass then we get watered down meats and dairy. This causes a world (literally)  of chemical imbalances creating a self medicated society of chaos. “But it’s from the pharmacy so I guess it’s ok? Right


90s Hip Hop example. Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dog. The 90s were the golden age of rap.

As someone who grew up in the streets, I have seen this all so many times. I’m from Norwalk and Norwalk was a different game when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s.  I personally was from a blue collar neighborhood but I was accepted into the hip hop community with open arms so most of my friends were street folks. I guess in a way I related to them because I am a street punk. Their music though is completely different and their fashion also but one thing I felt we had in common was the love for the streets. As a street punk I like bands like Total Chaos, the Exploited and The Casualties, but you’ve probably never heard of them and that’s the point. As for the street people and myself, we bonded. I now reside in New Haven with tons of great characters! One of which was a man who fell off the coliseum and sued The City and they reconstructed his bones to metal and he hangs outside Toads Place. I remember seeing a hardcore show there and he was outside. He told me about how he fell and that if I give him a dollar he will show me. So that I did! He put my hands on his neck and it made this sound like “bdbdbdbdbd!”  and his neck twisted! I love the city but we are going to move into the country soon.

The Exploited. An example of a street punk rock group.

 I love the streets for their bodegas with the hot food bars, the people with all sorts of personalities and when you go to the store everyone knows you. That’s a great thing about streets. Along with a melting pot of American culture with your pizzerias to Jamaican Jerk Chicken little restaurants these gems are all over most concrete fortresses (again literally lol) Ohhh and they will know you’re not from there needless to say. Street life is amazing! And also can be dangerous. Oh and by the way when I was a skater and the streets were paradise filled with stairs, railings, and drops. Basically a playground for people who skate aka skateboarders. I’ve got in fights many times with the asphalt breaking many bones. Along with an almost endless amount of abandoned factories to explore and be chased by security…Yup those were the 90s when we played outside and got into all sorts of stuff. Oh and if you don’t know what Malta is you have never been in those streets. Malta is a special soda from India. I don’t know why it got so popular at the corner stores but it sure is refreshing and more than Coke or Pepsi.

                   This journey into this particular cold case or should I say dry ice as this one is super difficult to crack. As difficult as this is, we are determined to find out who the killer is. We are getting closer and closer and soon we’ll be out of the serpent’s boneyard and into his den.

               It started in my bedroom while meditating to binaural beats. My video tech and investigator Hector Roque got me interested in a case with a missing girl from Ansonia. Hector is my right hand man when it comes to the filming. For myself, I got pretty deep into myself  with meditation and I heard a female voice say River St. I snapped out of my trance and realized that there will be a body to wash up in Ansonia by River Street in three weeks. I also realized this female spirit who said River St. may have been a relative of the victim. I texted a friend who worked for the city hall and got no response. I texted him that the body of the girl will be washed in 3 weeks. I then went inside City hall and told him and of course he was skeptical. One night, I went with my psychics Jeff Gerry and Daine Berti and Daine said the body will be washed up close to shore tomorrow. Jeff and Daine are from a team in which we have an alliance called CTPAST. 

                  On Memorial Day, I decided to take a spin to River Street. I investigated within a half mile radius of the area and determined the body would wash up by River Street in Ansonia and  Broad Street Bridge, Seymour. I was met by the fire department pulling a body out of the river. That was when I realized I had the gift of locating bodies. It’s not as easy as you think though…. Well actually the psychic ability  is the easiest part, it’s convincing city officials that you know where the body of a missing person is located. They want nothing to do with it. They don’t even care if you’re right. “The case is open but the door is shut and let’s not tamper with the lock on the door again. ” 

                We also are sure as to the whereabouts of (very possible) Jennifer Dulos. I did a psychic experiment with this. I got my pendulum and put it over a map of Hartford County and it directed me to a location in Newington. There’s a quarry there and also an abandoned rehab center called Hartford Rehab Center. Also part of the experiment was that we got about 4 or 5 psychics and asked them without telling them details on our prediction of where she is and if they can see anything. These were on the phone also and nowhere near the location and also in other parts of Connecticut. This army of psychics described strong traits of the location that I predicted, along with paranormal gear such as the Polturescript device that is basically an Ovilus on steroids. For those that don’t know, a Polturescript is a handheld computer with sensors built inside that allows the spirit to pop up words in a 2300 word library on the digital screen. I did that as well and on the way back to New Haven I was in a parking lot and something told me to turn the device on and that I did and out came the work “Jeniffer”. That’s no coincidence that I was on the right track but the problem is convincing the State to do an investigation there. And I get it. If a psychic cracked the case the officials would look very bad.

           So, yes, I’m on a few cold cases that I chip away from time after time. “Ok, very funny”. It’s a mystical art and different from psychic readings as there are laws in the metapsychics.We are allowed to know certain information and also not, so therefore these spirits can only tell us a limited amount of information and we have to put the puzzles together “Ok, wise guy. Stop with the serial killer jokes. I don’t mean it like that”. 

             So I say it’s a mystical art because you will get dreams, clairvoyance and spirits visiting you over the case itself but again they are not allowed to tell you everything because it’s against the rules and perhaps the laws of the physics of their realms. 

        The one thought that I will dig into starts in Waterbury, Connecticut.  There have been a total of 8 or more women and one male whose remains are still in the woods itself off Campville road. A popular fishing spot and beautiful wilderness. It’s the ideal place if you were to think where to dispose of human remains. It’s right off the exit in a narrow country town. Beautiful place indeed but the area has something more sinister. Due to the deaths of these troubled women, there is a dark cult of necromancy, most likely a form of Santeria, who comes to the land to raise the dead. We have seen shrines and had psychics tell us about it. One psychic told us it was voodoo or vodou(proper spelling). But we did see Santeria statues and candles. Even though voodoo and santeria have similarities they are not the same thing. Both of which are two complicated forms of highly ritualistic types of magic or magic. From paranormal investigation, I know first hand that it’s super hard to remove a Santeria curse.

         I found out about this morbid scene by a paranormal investigator and friend Ryan Jerrell from Springfield, Massachusetts. He’s been on the case for a few years and has remarkable paranormal evidence. The woods we believe to be haunted because we are still very much able to communicate with the victims there through paranormal gear and psychic abilities. I also just loved the scenery of the pines and always will. Along with the pines is beautiful white water and the water is lush with trout and salmon.

By the popular fishing hole.

              It has this cliff, and on top of it has a trail. The trail leads to a pile of women’s purses and shoes. Now I don’t know if this was some prank but it sure is creepy and we know the killer lurks the area and most likely knows who we are. We believe him to be in his 40s. Ryan, himself, has had very sketchy encounters with a certain local there. It is possible this is more than one individual and we question ritualistic killings.

                 It also has this weird abandoned farm but it’s more like a fort. There looks to be a shooting range there with rubber tires, a bunker, and M16 bullets. It reminds me more of a Jim Jones sanctuary but instead of Koolade, this is bloodshed. I really think we can crack this case. We did a paranormal investigation and the device was yet again naming the names of the victims so I know they want to be found as there are still remains that the police have not found in the woods. As a matter of fact, a couple years ago, someone was walking their dog and the dog dug out a human skull of one of the women who was murdered; so, yes, there are body parts scattered all over there that authorities have not retrieved.

    So today Sunday 9/19/25 I am sitting with the paranormal gum-shoe Ryan Jerell in one of the burial focal points of the forest.

 Ryan Jarell Paranormal Investigator/Ghost Storm Investigations 

Enjoy the interview

Nick Interviewer So Ryan, Thank you for sharing this information. Let’s start with…  Why don’t you tell me how you heard about this case here? Let’s go back where I remember meeting you at Paracon. What got you into this particular case here?

Ryan Interviewee Well, I had been doing the paranormal for years and I thought that it would be a good thing to try to solve a cold case that the cops could never solve and to try to reach out to the girls that were victims at this location.

Nick Interviewer Okay. What was the first place that you went to? It was down by the river, right?

RyanInterviewee Yes, down by the river, right.

Nick Interviewer Tell me about your paranormal gear. What kind of evidence did you get off of paranormal gear?

Ryan Interviewee Well, coming down the road, I had contacted one of the victims. Her name was Karen Everett, and I was asking her. I said, “Can you tell me where the cops were searching for the bodies?” And it told me to stop here and that was at the yellow barrier that they took photographs of when they were searching for the bodies.

Nick Interviewer Okay, could you also tell us about the history of this place? Apparently, there’s still body parts scattered here because there hasn’t been a thorough job and investigation hasn’t really been conducted. So I mean, we are practically on a burial site. Do you believe there’s body parts still here, and do you believe the killer still comes back and lurks around?

Ryan Interviewee Yeah, well, when the killer kills at a certain place, it becomes sacred ground. They always come back to relive the murders. And there was a guy that I ran into at the river, who I believe could be the killer, because of a lot of the weird things he was saying about the place. And it all started in 1988 with prostitutes disappearing from Waterbury and ending up here at the river and there is a scattered bone still up here in bodies.

Nick Interviewer Could you get into when the names were coming up on the ovilus device?

Ryan Interviewee It’s been about two to three years when I started coming up here to begin with and I started getting all the names as Karen and Mildred and then I was asking by them if they were together and they said, ”Yes”, and they also told me there is some type of dark entity up here that doesn’t want us up here to solve these murders.

Ryan and myself during the interview. 

Ryan Interviewee We brought mediums up here, we don’t have to say their names.

Nick Interviewer I had something weird happen because I was at a friend’s house and the names started coming up on the pulturescript. What goes through your mind when we talk about that? When I told you about that?

Ryan Interviewee It’s sad. They’re drawing us back to the river, because they really want closure and they really want to be able to move on from the river by finding the killer.

Nick Interviewer Right. Do you believe these woods are haunted?

Ryan Interviewee Yes, these woods are very haunted. There’s stuff around here that shows signs of voodoo and black magic right also.

Nick Interviewer What type of magic do you believe in? I question some form of Santeria because of the community. We’re not far from Waterbury and, honestly, Connecticut has a lot of Santeria. Most of the Santeria practitioners, the brujas or the brujos, do it for good purposes. But just like any other magic, there is a dark side to anything. Would you say that this is a form of necromancy that this coven or cult that we suspect performs?

Ryan Interviewee Yes, I would say it is, too. We also found grounds out here where they were burning stuff and having fires and having these get-togethers in the woods. What is your view on the voodoo shrine?

Nick Interviewer I found a shrine here before. So, with my occult knowledge, I’ll honestly tell you there’s a thing about crossroads and they believe crossroads are a portal into the supernatural and many times, they leave offerings, and I believe that’s what they’re doing because of the history here, anywhere else with morbid history, attracts necromancers or people of darker forms of the occult. Actually, what is your view on all the purses up there? Just to cue the reader in is that there is a trail and there’s a bunch of rubbish and there’s a whole bunch of purses and women’s shoes. Now, somebody could have done that to be a prank, or it could be real, but what is your intake right up there, up on top of the ravine?

Ryan Interviewee it could be a way of the serial killer trying to taunt people and trying to tell people this is the stuff that belongs to the girls that have been murdered here.

An example of the wilderness of the area.

Nick Interviewer Okay, it’s almost like maybe it could be a prank from the serial killer himself saying ha ha, you know what I mean. Yeah, it’s pretty sick. Sorry, it’s a pretty sick joke.

Ryan Interviewee Yeah, “1988, come and get me. You can’t catch me, you know.”

Nick Interviewer Yeah.

RyanInterviewee Taunting the police.

Nick Interviewer Yeah, okay, do you think that this voodoo shrine would, this could be where the girl from the ravine was, and they’re trying to conjure the spirit of the girl?

Ryan Interviewee Try to bring her back and try to contact her. Yes, I believe they could be doing that. Yeah, or they could have been the ones who killed her and they try to do black magic around where they dumped her body, right?

Ryan Interviewee. So one time I came down here with another investigator and we were still trying to find the precise location of where it actually happened. And we drive down the road and there’s a black car with rims and tinted windows. So, I found it kind of suspicious that that time of night there would be a vehicle back there. So, I drove down the road and turned around and came back really slow. Then I parked my vehicle and watched them through the rear view and then this car turned around and I said, oh, maybe they left.

They came back at the back of my car, flying in the pitch-black road, and chased us all the way out of there and I left because I didn’t have a way to protect myself okay. 

Nick Interviewer Do you arm yourself when you come down here?

Ryan Interviewee I do arm myself ever since I ran into the guy who I think could be the possible killer.

Nick Interviewer Right. Very cool, you know it is important that you do something at least to protect yourself in a place like this.

Ryan Interviewee Usually serial killers don’t carry guns. Usually they carry ligatures or handcuffs.

Nick Interviewer Yeah, however, you should still have something. You know what I mean. Alright, let’s get into it. Let me think of what else I could get into here. This should be Camp Valley Road right?

Ryan Interviewee Campville Road.

Nick Interviewer Well, it says Valley Road. Now why? Because of us.

Ryan Interviewee Yeah.

Ryan Interviewee So after the guy.

Ryan Interviewee Yeah, people in the area are very weird. 

Nick Interviewer But they’re nice too at the same time. But you could see, right? You could tell the right “out-of-towners.”

Ryan Interviewee Out-of-towners, yeah, but anybody doing black magic up here? Any killer up here? It would be nice to try to manipulate somebody. Absolutely, and you never know.

I’d search the area where he was being weird about saying “Why are you here?” And I got a collection of possible human remains.

Nick Interviewer So, you think that the spirits of the girls are trying to lead us to solving this case. You think that we got chosen by the spirits to figure this out?

Ryan Interviewee Yes, It kind of goes back to the old thing with The Warrens with the 28 days thing, where the more you go to a location, the more stuff you’ll find out, the more information gets released by the spirits. I think they’re releasing a little bit more at a time and trying to bring us closer to closing this case. Okay, let’s take an EVP. Okay. Yes. Okay, reader, we are going to take EVPs.

Nick Interviewer Yeah, could you talk about the dead bodies thing that you just said?

Ryan Interviewee About how the device was telling me victims and dead bodies things that you just said about? How the device was telling me street workers and dead bodies right around the location where I found the bones? Okay and actually tell us about the bones.So when I was walking around back there I used the SLS camera because I remember last time you had told. You said  “Oh, you can use an SLS or you can use dowsing rods to try to find the possible burial ground.”  And I was asked about the SLS. I asked, “Can you show me where you are, Can you show me where your burial ground is?” And I saw the SLS figure standing by the tree and I went over to the tree and the bones were right by the tree.

Nick Interviewer Thank you Ryan. Glad to have you on the team!

There you have it folks. Took you on a little ride on the cold cases. As we were doing this interview a blue car sped by us and the man gave us an angry/nervous look. They know who we are now. Stay tuned as I journalize this case. This is just one part.


Nicholas R. Grossmann

Psychic and Journalist.



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