Paranormal News

 Last Ride to The Other-side

 Last Ride to The Other-side

    Article by Psychic Nicholas Robert Grossmann

   Rigamortis, anyone…?   “Nick here again with another cutting edge…Wait a minute!! Hey!!! Will you watch it with that thing? You got blood and skull fragments on my sandwich..! Thanks a lot.” Morition humor. I considered school but I didn’t have the guts. Hahaha don’t mind me! I’m a big Tales of The Crypt kind of guy. I have that morbid sense of humor, much like the Crypt Keeper. As a matter of fact, I love the movie so much. I have a tattoo of him on my arm. Heeeeheeeheeee… let me take you into a story of a one way ticket taxi ride to the otherside… This article is about EMS, Nurses, and other healthcare workers having paranormal experiences.


                 I’ve had interactions with EMS people on paranormal cases and let me tell you… they are haunted… THEY… 

It is my belief after studying the paranormal, finding out what makes this stuff tick and dissecting it in an intellectual and philosophical manner that when there is death that happens in an area on a regular basis, it usually creates a portal to the other side. Think of an Ambulance or hospital? So many people pass on in these places and yes, there are haunted ambulances and probably fire trucks also. From whatever you believe can be a ride to heaven or hell on wheels. Personally, I don’t believe in Hell as we know it. I believe in learning experiences. You have to learn these life lessons to gain another notch in the supernatural belt. That’s why we are here. Some people may experience a hell-like realm after death and I believe it’s temporary. If God is perfect and that he is then he’s not angry but perfectly loving. Many religions believe hell is temporary while others believe it’s an eternity. I believe certain people temporarily go there to learn if they have really failed in their lifetime. Hell is punishment and again in a philosophical view that punishment comes with a learning experience. If Hells a punishment, then it can’t be eternal for certain souls but as a learning experience. 

                        Ok, ADD, back on track! All this morbid chatting brings me to a time in East Lyme, Connecticut. I went with my teammates Jeff and Daine from CTPAST. I remember the weather being perfect and driving over the bridge in New Haven looking at how beautiful it was. It was a perfect day. We heard about a case in East Lyme and we were met at the doorstep of a troubled lady who is an EMS worker. As a psychic, one of the first things I picked up on was she was dabbling into magick or magic. She felt as if she was being haunted by patients she had lost in the ambulance. “No, I don’t want any liver in my sandwich!” There’s always a wise guy here on these articles! 

Author, Death Enthusiast, and Psychic Nicholas Robert Grossmann

          We walked inside her home. We can all feel something wasn’t right. She was terrified that dark energy was around her and her house. Basically a dark cloud and let me tell you all, dark clouds are real. As a clairvoyant you can see murky formations around people with your third eye. All I could remember correctly was that she was being attacked by an unseen entity. I went around the home doing a short diagnosis. I noticed a world of tarot cards on the shelf and a bunch of Wiccan books. It was obvious that her EMS work combined with the dabbling in the occult has attracted spirits. I remember Daine suggested that she has to give up one or the other otherwise she’s going to really have a problem. 

            Jeff on the other hand is an EVP Master or I like to say specialist because he gets stuff and he just has this knack for collecting audio of spirits. Jeff got so many strong EVPs. One sounded like what they call the death growl. Others said stuff like “My arm. I lost my arm in your car”. When we showed the client and let her listen to the EVPS, she was so scared that she politely kicked us out! She was in tears and I don’t blame her. That was my first case with an EMS. By the way, we don’t charge for paranormal investigations.

        If I was in the medical field, I would make a terrible Doctor, hahaha… I’m psychic! I would be like “Ma’am, he seems fine. He just has to cut down on cholesterol and by the way your mother said for you to stop smoking and gambling. She would say “My mothers been dead for 5 years. How did you know that?” Me : “She’s standing right over there”. Hahahaha for real, I would actually do that. One of my habits which I’m trying to break is going up to people in public and telling them I have a message from so and so who has passed away. That’s one of my habits I have to break. There’s a time and a place for talks like that. So, yup, that would be me as a Doctor Haha!

            I had to go to the ER a few months back. I got Lyme disease. I was in a lot of pain. As an explorer I spent a fracture of my life in the wilderness. I’ve had lots of ticks bite me. I remember coming back from a fishing trip and I had about 8 stuck on me. Like a fool and a stubborn man I am, I never wore bug spray like I should have. Anyway, I was in the ER and they wanted to do an ultrasound, so they wheeled me down the hall. I remember sitting there and it felt so cold. I know hospitals keep it a bit colder to kill germs and airborne viruses. I was thinking there was probably a combination of that and supernatural phenomena making the building cold!

Spooky photo of shadow being in hospital.

         The lady who did my ultrasound was cool. She asked what I do for a job and I told her I’m a psychic. She asked me if I saw spirits down here. I said, “Yes there’s a man standing and watching us”. There’s always paranormal activity going down in the hospital. Which brings me to my first interview with Rick Calehan. Rick is a paranormal investigator and since we are talking about the human condition, he would be a good fit as a character on The Walking Dead. An alive character. Here comes ADD again…. Random distracting Thought: Lots of people believe in a zombie apocalypse but it’s not medically possible. The Human Condition wouldn’t function without lungs to breath, blood circulating, and how do these zombies use their vocal box if it’s torn half off? Basically Dead walking zombies defy anatomy!….. Sorry back to the subject Rick the paranormal investigator. He was pretty busy when he stayed at the hospital for whatever the reason. I will admit I’ve never once thought to bring paranormal gear in my hospital room. Here’s the interview! 

Interview with Rick Callahan


Hi Rick. Thank you again. Can we start by telling me about your experience there? First, I’d just like to start by saying I’ve never thought of bringing my gear into a hospital while I was staying there. It’s kind of a no-brainer if you ask me to bring gear, so I never thought of it. But anyway, I’m just curious to hear about your experience with that.  Nick said. 


Well, initially back in 2014,. 

“I had a series of five heart attacks in three days. So I ended up on the cardiac ward in New Hampshire, ended up getting a triple bypass. But as I’m talking to you now, recovering and talking to the nurses, I said, man, you know, that was a close one. I’d rather do my ghost hunting and investigate them, and not have people investigating me. So I’m trying to hang in there and get through this. So, they said, ‘Oh, you have to come back, you have got to come back with your equipment’. And so I said, ‘Oh, never thought about that. But I said,’ To be honest with you, I probably couldn’t bring the majority of my equipment because the rem pod would be emitting an electronic field and that could interfere with some of the equipment, like maybe even the heart monitor that I had been on. So, yeah, that’s where I initially got the idea. “

“But it wasn’t until 2021 when I went to the hospital and then I asked my ex to bring my flashlight, a voice recorder, and the cat ball. When she came in and said, ‘What are you up to?’ And I just said, ‘I’m going to do an investigation’, I was in the cardiac ward. People die there. What the heck? I was going to be, I was going to be hooked up to the equipment, you know, bored out of my mind. So I said, ‘Why don’t I do a little investigation here? So initially, I have two videos on the YouTube channel, and I have a regular website. So initially, I set up the flashlight in the cap wall right next to me on the serving table that they have next to the beds, and I asked the question if there’s anyone here who would like to communicate, could you light up the light? And I know you explained to them. Just tap the end of it or surround your energy around the tip of the light. It lit up.”  Rick said


“So yeah, those things are awesome”’


“Oh, it was years ago. I was on an investigation in New Hampshire and a guy had had two of them on the floor in the basement of a youth center. I never believed it. I said, ‘Oh, this has got to be rigged on lots of those shows.’ I said, ‘How are they going to turn a flashlight on? They can’t actually twist the barrel. You’d have to hold the tip of it and then twist the shaft of the flashlight.’ So he was asking the questions: Could you show my friend, Rick, here that you can communicate through the flashlights? And son of a gun. If the lights didn’t go on and he had two of them, I freaked out. It was such a rush. “

“It was initially just such disbelief, but I had also. I had asked the spirit. I had a spirit box running and I had asked the question, ‘Do you know the meaning of going to the light?’ And when I played back my recorder I didn’t hear it. Initially, none of us heard it. It was an old man’s deep voice saying ‘Yes’. “ Rick said.


“And when it comes to the flash light experiment, It’s just a matter of them connecting that very small gap with their own energy. 

To create continuity. “ Nick said.


“Have you seen them strobe? Or have you seen them come on dull, very dim. I can’t do that. Either turn or it’s off.” 

Very cool, yeah. So I explained to him how to do it, because the light was turned off and he did it. And then he put it far away from me, over across the room in  the cardiac ward, as far away from me as possible, and unfortunately, when he did it and turned around, I wasn’t filming yet with my phone. But I asked him to turn around and look quickly, because the light just came on and he turned around and of course it didn’t come on and I wasn’t filming for when he did it. But I said, ‘You prepared the light, just stick around, stick around. And the light lit up.’ So he ran. He ran out into the hallway. Now, this is a hospital, it’s a cardiac, everyone’s on these heart monitors. So he’s trying to be cool. But he was so excited about what had just occurred he had to go grab some other nurses and he brought in this nurse, this religious lady. She didn’t want any part of it, as she was freaked out and religious. 

And she turned around and she said, ‘I got to go back to my patients. No, no, no, no.’ But he had some other nurses come in and I was just sharing the story with them. Actually, his mentor, the professor, actually came in for his nursing degree and he says, ‘Oh, there’s stuff going on here all the time. Are you kidding, dude? This is a cardiac ward. People die here all the time. And I said, ‘Yeah, you know, I’ve never thought about it’.” Rick said.

“I had mentioned that I was ghost hunting and I don’t want to be on the other side with people investigating me. I’d rather have it the other way around, and one of the group of cardiologists. He didn’t really work with me per se, but he came to talk to me because he heard I was a ghost hunter. And he says, ‘Oh, we got to talk.’ And I said, ‘Oh, what’s up? He says, ‘Oh, you got to come in here.’ And I said, ‘Well, you know a lot of the equipment that I use. I’d be afraid to bring in here because it could cause now, it would attract attention and be too loud, but I would hate to disrupt some kind of equipment that was keeping somebody alive or monitoring their heart or whatever.’ “ Rick said.

“So, yeah, so if I know I’m going to go to the hospital, I’m bringing my flashlight and the cat ball. Great, great idea. Yeah, so they didn’t activate the cat ball. And just to tell you one more story, I bring those. They’re in my car all the time. “ Rick said.

“Even if I don’t have, I can do impromptu at work, and I’ve actually had spirit conversations at work where I did it to goof on coworkers and I actually opened the flashlight and poured the batteries out to demonstrate to them. I’m not a magician. I was when I was a child, when I was in elementary school, but I’m not now. This is a regular flashlight and I actually did that on one of the videos. It’s kind of hard to hold a camera and then take apart the screw the end off and pour the batteries out, but I think I did do it on one of the videos. It’s kind of hard to hold a camera and then take apart the screw the end off and pull the batteries out, but I think I did do it on one of my videos. But to be honest with you, I rely on that. It’s not all the bells and whistles that they want you to see on TV, because it really adds to the whole thing.” Rick said,


“Something you can’t explain and it defies the laws of physics., you can’t explain it.Yeah, it defies the laws of physics. And then you have a paranormal anomaly right there.” I said.


“Exactly Because I know that. I mean, you could be in a location you’re not familiar with and there could be a motor running somewhere, and if you don’t hear it, however you’re close enough to it, that could trip your k2. So, you know, even the old homes with old wiring, where the walls really aren’t insulated, could trip it too. I want absolute proof. Yes, I want to know that I’ve really, truly experienced an encounter. “ Rick said.


“Thank you Rick!”

Tales of The Crypt host.

   And that was Rick Calahuan. What a great story and an adventure as a patient in the cardiac ward. Now I can’t wait to go back to the hospital! Bringing the SLS!

     I have another interview for you all with a  friend of mine named Terri Knowlin. She is another investigator who works as an EMS. She had some very deep stuff to talk about. I met her about 6 years back at one of my favorite haunted places which is Boothe Estate in Stratford, CT. By the way, Stratford is insanely haunted.  

             I also witnessed Terri do some rare psychic ability at the cemetery across the street of Captain Grant’s Inn. The Inn was on Netflix with a friend of mine, Sean Austin, who is great with EVPS and the spirit box. We did a ghost tour there and hosted it with Sean. It was a lot of fun.

Paranormal investigator and psychic Sean Austin 

         There was a suicide of a police officer; long story short, a few months prior to the ghost tour who tragically did this in the cemetery at his mothers grave and to makes things sadder his mother got murdered years back. The crazy thing was when I was with the group, Terri ventured off on her own. She seemed to be in this trance-like state. I couldn’t find the grave where the officer tragically died. No one could find it. So I was leading a group and at the same time noticing Terri and her husband and friend of mine, Mike, wandering around. So we caught up with them and I knew Terri was going through something psychic. So we followed her and she was led to the grave of the officer’s mother where he died. She had no clue where that was. Something supernaturally led her there. After that, Sean Austin crossed the spirit over and it was very emotional for some.. Terri and her daughter Amanda also run a ghost tour group called East Ghost Hunts. Here is another awesome interview with Terri! A great friend of mine! She calls me a BFF! 

Interview with Terri Knowlin


“Nick Grossman, Hollywood entertainment news interviewing friend, Terri, BFF that loves the Friends theme song. Right, seriously, that’s the ultimate bff song. I couldn’t even believe it when you pulled up with Amanda. You guys were singing ‘The Friends’ theme song. I said, ‘Wow two bffs rocking out to this.’ I used to watch. I met him once. Yeah, I met him. I met Matt Perry. Yeah, oh, he was going through his sets. He went through another name. He didn’t want anybody to know, but everybody knew who he was. However, he was gone too soon. “ I said.

 But, anyway, Terry, I’ve got the record button going and I was just wondering if you would share about your paranormal, because you’re a psychic. I would consider you a psychic with the experiences that I’ve seen you do.” I said.


“EMS worker. I have been since 1991. “,Terri said.


“I hear you. Yeah, Tell me about it.”, I said.


On the job, I wouldn’t say, but I do have one for you. So a bunch of us went to Pennhurst probably about maybe five years ago, maybe six years ago, not knowing much about Pennhurst before I went, just kind of knowing that it was your typical asylum from back in the day, probably. What had happened there we all know. You know people were mistreated, children were dropped off, family members were dropped off. Never, you know, have anyone come back for them again. And this was one of the first times that I realized that something was going on internally with me as far as feeling other people’s emotions. So we had gone to the third floor of what I didn’t know then was the medical ward of Pennhurst where they brought typically the sick children and very sick patients, and while we were up there I started getting a lot of different emotions and, for the very first time, feeling different ailments. I was getting nauseous, I was getting headaches, my legs were starting to hurt.” Terri said.

“I consider myself a pretty tough cookie, especially when it comes to the paranormal. Not a lot scares me. I get a lot of wow moments, but not a lot really hits me like oh, what the heck is going on? And then one of the investigators there came over and she said, ‘You know what’s going on?’ And I said, ‘I don’t know, I don’t know if I’m coming down with something’ and I explained it to her and she then starts telling me that a lot of the children, in order to keep them in their beds, they would actually get hit with objects across their legs to keep them from leaving the ward.” Terri said.

“A lot of them would go in complaining of stomach aches because they didn’t want to stay in the dorms, if you call it that, where they were being abused and neglected. And it took us a little while and we put the pieces together because I was in EMS and there were a few of us there at the time my daughter was there with me, she was in EMS, Greg and our friend Red, all of us actually worked together. So we were getting all of these different energies. And we were getting it because and I wholeheartedly believe this because we were in the medical field and some people say, ‘Oh well, they were reaching out to you for help.’ And I honestly believe that they were just coming through to us and going look, this is what happened, this is how we were feeling. Basically, it was a trigger.” Terri said. 


“Your EMS kind of worked as a trigger. That’s interesting and makes sense.” I said


“But wholeheartedly when it comes to tuning into what I call my gift, which is a blessing and a curse. Most people and I know that you do this because you can sit down and give someone a reading and you can pick up on all different aspects of it. Unfortunately, my side is traumatic events, people that have passed traumatically. I’ve never picked up on happiness like someone passed in their sleep. And I have a message for someone. Sadly, it’s either been a suicide, a horrible accident, and I kind of have accepted that and I believe that it goes hand in hand with EMS. “ Terri Said.

“I was either meant to do that. You’re an empath too. You have to be empathic, right? 

So believe that it goes hand in hand with EMS.

I was either meant to do that, right, you know so which is a blessing and a curse. “ Terri said.


“Have you had any paranormal activity with you in the ambulance? Have you ever had an experience with a patient who has passed in the car?

How did that feel?” I said.


“Yeah, there was one particular person. It was a younger patient and it was a very high profile case. It was a teenager that was still going to high school at the time and it was a very bad motor vehicle accident. And I remember on the way to transporting him to the hospital, we knew that it was extremely critical and I remember him opening his eyes and looking at me, his eyes weren’t fully open. But I remember being able to see the color of his eyes and him looking at me and I said to my medic, ‘He’s opening his eyes.’ and he said to me, ‘I think maybe because he’s in pain and trying to tell us.’ We do a lot of things to these patients. We intubate them but it’s necessary to keep them alive. “ Terri said.

“We give them IVs. Well, they can’t talk. You know what? “ Terri said.

“I mean, right, they can’t talk. And I remember him looking at me and in that moment, for some reason, I felt the strongest feeling to look at him and tell him that his mother loved him, and I remember saying that I said, ‘Close your eyes, try to relax, your mom loves you very, very much.’ And we kept him alive. Unfortunately he did pass once he was at the hospital, but I always feel like someone came to me to make sure that he got that message before he died, because it wasn’t up to me to wait to hope that his mother was able to see him and tell him that. It just was this overwhelming feeling and that was the hardest. That was the hardest patient I’ve ever had in my career, to be honest with you.” Terri said.


“That is deep right there. That’s some deep stuff.” I said.


“And I’ll never forget the look in his eyes and it’s been probably seven or eight years since that happened and I remember my medic just looking at me when I said it and continuing to work, because we get into a zone sometimes and we don’t get attached and we just do what we need to do to make sure that our patients we’re giving them the best care we can. But at that moment I just needed to tell him. “ Terri said.


“You had a clairvoyant moment that came out, so yeah, that’s pretty cool and I think it was something that ‘s stirring up a little bit of emotion for me, I’m going to definitely share that, if you don’t mind. “ I said.


“ It’s emotional. No, it was something that I’ll never forget. It’s not something I shared with his family, because we can’t. Unfortunately, it’s not up to us to do that. Like you know what I mean.” Terri said.“Like I just can’t go up to his mom and say, ‘Oh, I made sure, I told him it’s just unfortunate, and ethically.


Imagine being a nurse and being psychic and walking in and saying, ‘Hey, your grandmother’s standing over there waiting for you to die.’ Right, seriously, you would get fired, right. 

I do it all the time. When I went to the hospital, the ER, with Amy months back. I had got Lyme disease and it hurt and I went and they were giving me some ultrasound and I told the lady I said, ‘You have weird stuff happening down here, because I have to tell you I’m a psychic and there’s this guy standing there.’ or something like that, and she was fascinated but freaked out, but I couldn’t help myself because I’m seeing, you know how it is.” I said.


“So which I would totally be like. I would tell somebody that, but being in uniform and representing a service and the hospital, I can’t just do that, however, I would. As a mom, I would have loved to have known that. I would have loved it if God forbid, the situation was reversed for someone to say “I made sure I told your child that you loved them.” Terri said. 

“And for somebody who needed me, however, I feel like it was something that was so overpowering, but something that was so necessary and I’ll take it with me for the rest of my life. Because he closed his eyes. He never opened them again. We typically don’t stay in the trauma room for too long, but this was such a severe trauma that it was like all hands on deck. So when I tell you, there were probably 30 of us in this room with doctors and nurses and trauma surgeons and you name it, we were in there and I can promise you after he opened his eyes that one time I never saw him open them again. 

So that gives me the peace knowing that it was like closure right there. 

Yeah, he needed it.” Terri said.


“That’s a major closure you gave to him that may have even helped him cross on. Agreed. That’s amazing. I believe that. I believe.” I said.


“When someone is ready to go, I feel like we hold them back.” Terri said.

“Because they don’t want us to hurt and for us to suffer. And I’ve given a couple people that message. You know, tell them it’s okay, tell them you will be okay without them. It’ll be hard, but you’ll be okay. “ Terri said.


“I will. I got another clairvoyant joke. Okay, Imagine being a clairvoyant doctor and saying, ‘Ma’am, your husband is going to die’, and she said, ‘How do you know?’ And he says ‘Your whole family is standing over there. I’m clairvoyant. And she said, ‘Yeah, right, give me a break.’

Hugh Laurie 1” by Buou is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

This is Doctor House! Just imagine mixing some clairvoyant ability with his insanity!

And the Doctor says ,’Your mother’s telling you to quit smoking and stop gambling. 

Now, do you believe me?’ All right, that’s enough. I’ll talk to you later and thank you again Terri!” I said.

As for me, I grew up behind convalescent homes. My house was highly haunted. I’ve always tried to figure out why but now I know it’s the conversion home. I have volunteered there as well. I know that because of the deaths each week that it would open a giant portal. We used to play ninjas as kids on the property and we would see an ambulance once or twice a week take out a stretcher with a white sheet and human profile into the ambulance. That probably was my first death experience now that I think about it.

                                  I knew a girl once who was a mortician for a short period of time. It’s not as easy as you think. You have to lift an awkward dead weighted human body onto tables. She did something interesting and embalmed her grandmother. It’s a little strange. This mortician in particular had lots of morbid energy in spirits following her around.  Did you go to Make up school to be a mortician? You did a beautiful job on her! Do you only do dead people? Hahaha!

         “Aghori baba (4101921853)” by Christopher Michel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

I have always been fascinated by death and the afterlife, which brings me to The Agori People of India. They are a cult of necromancers that eats human flesh. Basically in India there’s a giant lake or river where they fill it with corpses. As eerie as this sounds it’s said to be a holy place. The Aghori people go to this river and bathe in it. As a psychic I can tell you there’s a lot of energy when someone passes away. I can walk into a house and guess if someone died in the house or in a room. I can feel and see this stuff. The Aghori people channel that morbid residue left behind after death. I want to donate my body, but instead of science I want to donate it to them! Then I can channel the Shaman of the tribe and ask him how my brains tasted?

Some people think I’m a Witch Doctor… I don’t get why, but I guess it’s kinda cool.


Nicholas R. Grossmann

Psychic medium and knowledge seeker

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