You’re Next is out today on SteelBook 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray exclusively from Lionsgate Limited, and director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett discuss the unmade sequel to the 2011 home invasion slasher in a new commentary track.
“Originally, [the Lamb Mask killer] got decapitated in the script with his hand pinned to his head,” Barrett explains. “But then we were like, ‘Ah, perfect opportunity, because this film’s gonna be a huge theatrical success, everyone’s telling us, so for You’re Next 2 we’ll just bring [L.C. Holt] back as the Lamb Mask killer.’
“But because his frontal cortex is damaged by getting stabbed in the forehead, he won’t be able to feel pain anymore. He’ll be kind of crazier now, and he wants revenge for his brother.”
He continues, “Our sequel idea, which I’m glad we didn’t do, was the notion that Erin would be arrested. She’d be basically blamed for the murders. Due to her jarring Australian accent, a jury would railroad her. She’d be instantly sent to prison by the corrupt American judicial system.
“While she’s chained to all these other prisoners, their prison van gets attacked. So it was gonna be kind of a Cut-Throats Nine thing, where she’s chained to a bunch of other prisoners, and they all take refuge in a meth lab near the accident. We were gonna use all the meth lab booby traps.
“Basically, my point is, it’s really good we didn’t make this movie,” Barrett concludes. “It would just make you like this film less,”
“You never know,” Wingard adds. “Our careers could take a nosedive and one these days we might go, ‘Hey, we’re ready to do You’re Next 2.’ It’ll probably be a different movie that the one you just described.”
“It would have to be now,” Barrett chuckles.
Barrett also mention that Korean and Mexican producers had approached the studio about remaking You’re Next in their respective countries, but they never came to fruition.
Restored in 4K with Dolby Vision HDR, the You’re Next SteelBook contains all the new special features from Second Sight’s UK edition released last year along with the archival extras from the original Blu-ray.
The limited edition release features artwork by Matt Ryan Tobin.