Pop Culture

Fashion Designers To Follow On Instagram: Collina Strada, Olivia Rose Havelock of Olivia Rose The Label, House of Sunny

Now more than ever, the clothes you wear are more often than not a form of self-expression and a display of one’s unique personality. This week, we’re exploring a few influential fashion brands who are always making a statement with their clothing.

Collina Strada (@collinastrada)

Created by Hillary Taymour, Collina Strada is a fashion brand and platform dedicated to social issues and awareness. From creating rhinestoned reusable water bottles to face masks with bowties in every colour, Collina Strada’s fashion line is aimed for ready-to-wear self-expression where sustainability and social change are at the forefront of their mission. Following this brand on Instagram will not only help support their effort, but serve as artistic inspiration as designers and models give inside looks to the stories behind crafting, design, and clothing.

Olivia Rose The Label (@oliviarosethelabel)

Olivia Rose The Label is a British independent clothing line that grew from Instagram on its own. “Home of shirred goodness and dreamy puffed sleeves,” Olivia Rose Havelock brought her love for fashion to life as her online clothing store went viral. From designing to packaging, Havelock handles every aspect of her brand personally. Every order is handmade with love and inspired by the styles of people Havelock looked up to throughout her life. This line is for the classy and elegant, the daydreamers, and those looking for a way to escape through fashion.

House of Sunny (@houseofsunny)

From funky prints to bold colours, the House of Sunny clothing brand is one of the most eye-catching and lively sustainable brands based in the UK. Known for capturing “the moment with a feeling that lasts,” their clothing – in everything from colour to material – is memorable easy-to-wear. Using e-flow technology, vegan leather, and anti-wasteage prints, House of Sunny cares about the environment and sustainability in fashion just as much as they do the art of fashion. For fun clothing inspiration, follow their page today.

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