Directed and co-written by acclaimed horror master Álex de la Iglesia (The Day of the Beast, Witching & Bitching, The Last Circus), HBO/HBO Max’s new series “30 Coins” takes viewers into a world where nothing is as it seems, and nobody can be trusted.
The eight-episode drama series follows Father Vergara (Eduard Fernández), an exorcist, boxer, and ex-convict who is exiled by the church as the priest of a remote town in Spain. As his past and old enemies come back to haunt him, strange things begin to happen. An unlikely task force forms as Mayor Paco (Miguel Ángel Silvestre) and local vet Elena (Megan Montaner) seek the truth, while reality is distorted by a cursed coin which is at the heart of a global conspiracy.
The first teaser has been airing and looks ridiculously phenomenal, crossing “Hannibal” with “The Exorcist”, while also injecting the religious-themed horror with enormous monsters/demons! Check it out while we await a 2021 premiere date.