Los Angeles, November 30, 2020 – Thursday Afternoon Films’ new series Wild Wild
Yogis premiered on BRANDON TV on Saturday, November 28, 2020 and future
episodes will continue to air Saturdays at 9 a.m. PST and 12 p.m. EST. on
Wild Wild Yogis is a love-hate letter to social media: a satire about millennials chasing
insta-fame rather than facing their demons. The series follows five moderately
successful influencers, Franki (Cat Larkin); Ace (Chris Gatpo); Hallie (Erin Goulet);
Calvin (Nicholas Harsin); and Gemma (Rachel Braff), who embark on an exclusive yoga
retreat led by a charismatic gender-fluid mystic known as The Guru (Anthony Famulari),
who needs to be taken care of by Rosa (Tania Camargo) and Sage (Ashley Atwood).
Rosa and Sage’s goal is to obtain wellness sponsors and dollars for themselves utilizing
these influencers. One potential sponsor Gwen (Kira Reed Lorsch) is drawn to the
retreat to meet these influencers in person. Each influencer arrives with baggage lurking
beneath their perfectly curated images. As the influencers are led toward enlightenment
through a crystal healing ceremony, yoga, a peyote circle, and “spiritual cleanses,” the
influencers’ facades begin to break down.
Wild Wild Yogis makes us take ourselves and the people we put on pedestals less
seriously and injects a little humor and empathy back into life. The guru welcomes you
to the Lunar Nation, where…life unfiltered gets ugly.
Sneak peek trailer: https://youtu.be/0UrbxUg3wQs
Episode 1: www.itsbrandontv.com/wild-wild-yogis
Connect with us on…you guessed it – social media!
Connect with us on…you guessed it – social media!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/
#WildWildYogis #NamaFuckinSte#
IMDb: Wild Wild Yogis
#WildWildYogis #NamaFuckinSte #ThursdayAfternoonFilms
About Thursday Afternoon Films:
Thursday Afternoon Films is a production company that started as a group of
starry-eyed actors. We realized that we were impeded by the constant grind of finding
work, so we decided to stop relying on others and start creating our own. With Wild Wild
Yogis, we wrote, produced, scheduled, fundraised, directed, designed wardrobe, set,
hair, and makeup; cooked crafty, acted, edited, and promoted- always wearing at least
two hats on the same day in order to get everything done!