Horror, Paranormal News

Scary Halloween Stories

It’s Halloween time and the scare is in the air. Here is a culmination of stories or experiences that will give you goosebumps. There are more to come so check back often to get your scare on.

Thank you to the contributors for their super scary stories.

Good rainy morning, My Spooky Story: I was at the Shanley Hotel in Napatchet New York with a group of Ghost Hunters 👻 We were all upstairs about 3:00 AM and we were investigating the room where the Prostitute had hung herself this hotel was a Reputed Brothel in years passed, everyone was in another joining room to my left and as I looked out the door there was a Woman in white old fashioned clothing standing outside the doorway looking at me and it startled me I said whoa and she disappeared everyone came running and asked what I say and said a Woman from the ’90s and they said Cyndi Lauper ere I said no 1890 I described the clothes and when we came downstairs I found her picture hanging on the wall! This woman in white was seen many times by the Late Owner Sal. In the picture above the woman to the far right was not a member of the family or a worker ??? She is the woman I saw.

Submitted by: Sandra Chase

This happened when I was about 21: I was a friend of these 3 other people, 2 women and another guy. We got the idea to use a Ouiji board one day and it caught on. We began like anyone.. to have fun.. but it turned weird very quickly. When we used the board it began to seem to answer our questions.. began to spell things.. After several weeks of this, I got the idea that we should log every name and circumstance of death, job, and children’s names.. anything, for anyone we” talked” to. After a month or so we accumulated about 50 names and life stories. I even began to try and verify some at a local library( there was no internet). Some things panned out and could be verified, specific things. We tested the board and would blindfold the 2 that were using the board while the other 1 or 2 would look on and record the letters and answers (they still came).
It was during this time that my male friend told me that he was psychic, I found that to be interesting. Turns out he was VERY psychic and even had the ability to manipulate objects.. (different story). Every once in a while the board’s feeling would change and another entity would take over the board.. that entity told us its name..B……( I won’t say it). It got annoyed and threatened all the time. We got the idea to use a bible during sessions and quoted from it occasionally( this helped) We released a few entities and then things got worse. The “Bad” entity came on stronger.
Then my male friend got a very BAD Idea! We had amassed about 70 names by now.. One day when this bad entity was in control of the board.. my friend said.. “If you release everyone that we’ve talked to on the board that he would give this entity his soul” I couldn’t believe he said that. The entity agreed! And said it would take his soul and gave a specific date 6 months from then. Over the next several weeks we could not make contact with even one of them on the board. We then used the board one more time to contact this bad entity.. it showed right up. My friend said to it that he was a born-again Christian (he was) and that he had given his life and soul to Christ so it couldn’t have his soul….. The pointer we were using flew out from under our fingers, flew under a couch, and hit the wall with a LOUD bang. We retrieved the pointer it had dented the wall.
Skip ahead 6 months later.. My friend was walking in Boston.. a voice in his head who he described as his grandmother and guardian angel, told him to go in a store near him RIGHT away.. 5 minutes later where he would have been, someone went crazy and stabbed 3 people. So the entity’s threat seemed to be real. And he escaped it.
Submitted by: Gerry Rowinsky

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