Paranormal News

The Principles & Biases of Exorcism & The Occult 

Photo from The Exorcist movie.

Author Nicholas R. Grossmann

Psychic,Death Enthusiast and Journalist. 

Nick Grossmann Holding a dybbuk spirit in this bottle.

For those who read the past articles, know how much I got into my own study with demons. Dissecting them. Learning what makes them tick. This knowledge I’ve learned through being demonically oppressed. My home growing up had a massive portal and I saw creatures come out. I think of them as demons. I slowly figured out that they don’t like salt or copper. They don’t like anything with purification properties. Most crucifixes have Christ made of copper and the cross of wood. There’s not just religious studies but Science! What is the psychology of demonic entities? What is their supernatural makeup? What do they like and what do they dislike? In this article, I’m going to get into my journey into Exorcisms and the different kinds of exorcists in every religion and mystical practices.

           My hair is practically white. My siblings have a few grays but mine is white and I’m only a few years older. Well I have some dark hair left and it’s bleached blonde now!! But I’m saying I have white hair. In the Bible it speaks of testing a spirit. It warns you that you will not like what you see so be prepared. Now again I’m not religious but I did have an experience. I was being harassed by demons. They tried to take me down because I had gifts that were given to me by God. So their goal was to destroy me. I was tired one night and I challenged the demon and looked at it face to face. I looked fear in its purest form in the eyes and my hair turned white. Since then I have had tough skin when dealing with demonic cases.

There’s a Hierarchy

Many people believe there are demons everywhere while some think it’s more rare. For example scholars of Deliverance will say most people have demons whereas The Vatican will say it’s more rare. Exorcism and Deliverance are two different things but before I get into it let’s get back to this Hierarchy biz… I’m a believer personally that there’s many. It also depends on what you call demonic. Hierarchy speaking low levels such as when you get an injury or infection, these low level bottom of the barroll demons nest up inside the wound making the healing process drag on and hurt much more. These are easy to get rid of . Now in this field, you will come across a high rank demon and they are very difficult to remove from a person or home. They are no joke. They’re super smart to begin with and know more about you then you even know yourself. They don’t think like us people because they aren’t people! Hellllooooo… Stop challenging them. Your insults don’t upset them but only make them stronger and they will wait like a scorpion and its stinger for that right moment and it could be years down the road to sting you. If you want to strike pain on a demon, you recite scripture or prayer. You want to get a reaction “instantly” that’s the way to do so. Be PREPARED.

The Incubus and The Succubus Species

The Nightmare (The Incubus) Framed Art Print by Fuseli, Henry

We run into this one often! I don’t know why but this is what we get 98% of our cases and believe me you don’t want this in your house! These things are THE WORST. They are known to sexaully tourment the victim, ohhhh but in the worst ways imaginable.Some of the stories I know of are too graphic even for this article. There’s one lady in Stratford where it throws her across the room and everything else (use your imagination). We have seen bite marks and bruises on her.It bit her pretty hard to leave a mark for a few weeks. The movie entitled “The Entity” and “Pulse” in the 1980s pays no justice to how dangerous and terrifying these are in real life. Those movies scared me as a kid. I remember the shower scene in the 80s and being scared of that scene. Little did I know I became a demon slayer myself and these are ten times worse then in that movie.

               First off, note these things don’t care about you… They latch onto  the victims. You can poke them all you want and try to get and outsmart it. Keep in mind these are prodigies. They have a su[per high IQ (if you call it that) and every now and again we have outsmarted it. We get them all the time. As a matter of fact, the possessed victim will say the incubus is telling me that you’re wasting your time and they won’t come out. It’s a matter of outsmarting it. You need to outsmart something with a 10 point or more IQ on you as a person. It’s going to take a lot of effort but it’s very possible. My point is they don’t care about your paranormal team. They won’t just come out and say tadaaa here I am! You challenged me.. Now i’m going to kick your a**!” That’s not how they roll. They don’t care and will rarely respond to anything you do. This is because they are latched onto one individual.

When you deal with this entity, you’re dealing with what I think of as a reality hacker. They have the ability to intercept your phone conversations and voice mail. As a matter of fact I have seen the voicemail thing more than a dozen times where they will talk on your voicemail and then when you go to look for the voicemail it’s gone.

         On top of that they’re little bastards. The worst bastard you will ever meet. This may sound funny but I have a photo of one flashing me. I’m not ready to share it because it’s part of the documentary I’m filming. So on rare occasions we outsmarted them and got photos. I guarantee you not many people have this type of photo Hahaha. Honestly in general cases like this are too graphic to even get into this article. I’ve come to the conclusion that dealing with these cases all the time is a calling. I get them so much!

Photo by Writer Harmon Langer

Cambion A Shapeshifter in Form of Children

   Would you like some Milk and cookies? In the paranormal field they always question evidence of spirit children. This is because a large majority of the time you will be dealing with entities like Cambion whose specialty is taking the form of a deceased child. Something always will be not quite right or a little off about the spirit. I always say in my lectures that if your child has imaginary friends pay attention. There’s a decent chance they are being manipulated by this demon and it’s more common than you think (depending on who you ask). 

          Why would this demon come in this form? To be a best friend to a child and try to destroy the child. There’s also down in the bayou of a childlike spirit they call Feu Follet. I loved the Cops episode in Louisiana. This lady called the police because one of these spirits was harassing her. I got such a kick out of that!

          This demon comes in the form of mothers with whom they have lost their children. It may shift into a form looking like your child who died to manipulate you. What better way to do so?

         There’s also apparently a paranormal entity called Black Eyed Children. As a paranormal investigator, I have never encountered one but I’m fascinated by them. They have black eyes and are very off. Almost a similar description to the MIB Men In Black as in how they act. Never let them in your house. There’s also a practice called Kuman Thong in Thailand where they trap child spirits in statues. It’s very evil and very risky to own an artifact. 

The Three Devils

Famous art piece of demon Asmodeus

In Christianity, there’s The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit but there’s also the 3 devils mocking the Trinity. These three consist of Satan, the beast crunching sinners’ bones. Lucifer, the fallen angel. Mephistopheles, the trickster striking deals. They also say in the paranormal that mirrors are portals. If you think about it, the image in mirrors is always in reverse just like the trinity.Put the trinity and reverse it and it will be the mocking of The Three Devils. Is the evil realm a reverse realm? Would that then make time travel a taboo? When you scry in a mirror which is a mystical art I know how to do. Are they human or inhuman spirits you are seeing in the mirror? It’s the reverse.

       These are the bad boys of the bunch and are very difficult and dangerous. They know what makes you tick. They have powers like the angels but much less so when you are dealing with these you are dealing with reverse angelic beings. They can stop time and rewind. They can put you on pause and clip reality and change your life all for the purpose of destruction. When they make himself visible, be prepared for what you’ll see. My team mate, Anthony Depetro, had a witch put a spell on him. I love when he tells the story. She put a demon inside him. That’s a story for another time but he will say and he always says once you’ve experienced what he did, you will never be afraid again. I will say once you had a real encounter with this entity very little will scare you ever again. This is because of fear in its purest form. It is so scary that nothing will ever come close again in terms of being scared or frightened.  Consider it tough skin spiritually. (not recommended).

Other Demonic Creatures or Animals


The infamous HellHounds. I’ve had plenty of these encounters. My favorite story was in Rhode Island at an accused vampire’s grave called Mercy L. Brown. We investigated the cemetery only to hear blood curdling hellhounds in the distance. It was almost like they couldn’t come near us but they made their presence known to us. You will never hear a growl so hardcore. We also heard the chains rattling and I can tell it was big thick chains from the way they sounded. I must admit I was concerned but it seemed they couldn’t do anything to us, so we continued our investigation on the cemetery. 

Psychic Vampire Entite

Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Spooky scene)

This one will feed off your good vibes. If it sees something they like in your energy field or aura they will feed on you creating and causing fatigue and depression and anxiety. But what lets them in? Sin lets them in and opens doorways into your energy field. From a psychics view point they have this extremely dark grey color with a pointy head and sharp fangs. Of course that’s the form they come in; they don’t really drink blood. It’s fascinating that the vampire folklore claims they drink blood well, I believe the blood was metaphorical for draining your life energy. The blood is your energy field.

Djinn and Dybbuk

 By Kevin Mannis

In my paranormal collection, I own what we believe to be a few Djinn in bottles and a few Dybbuk in bottles. I believe that they may be the same entity. A Dybbuk is Jewish and Djinn is Islamic. The Dybbuk is a malevolent spirit. It will make your life a living hell. It’s a very dangerous spirit. Basically a Kabbalah Rabbi does an exorcism and traps the spirit in a bottle. The same goes with the Djinn which are what we know as Genies in mythologies; instead these Genes are dangerous. They lurk in the dark parts of the world. It’s said you can make deals with them but most people go insane after.

Shadow Person or Shadow Being

A Djinn I own and a few Dybbuk bottles.Along with a Papa Legba bottle.

These beings are just some of the many. Imagine that if our world has animals and spices then so does theirs.

  There’s always an argument in the paranormal about these entities. Most think they are demonic spirits because these shadow persons are so abnormally dark that they stand out of the darkness. I have never been assaulted by these beings but I have come in counter with these all my life. I’ve even seen them take the light source out of the room I slept in many many times. It’s hard to describe but they steal the energy from the light in the room. You can see your room get dim like a dark cloud. As freaky as that sounds, I’ve never been harmed by one. I personally believe that they are from another dimension and not evil at all but that’s just me. Most people believe these are demons.

For myself, I taught myself Deliverance or should I say God taught me with a crazy boot camp. That’s how I look at it. In Demonology, there’s book smart and there’s street smart an exorcist told me once. I’m a street smart guy. This comes natural for me and I channel the Holy Spirit. So I have exercised more than a few demons. I’m more of a Christian Shaman. That’s how I like to classify myself.

      I’ve done a few exorcisms on people but mainly people’s homes. Some homes become possessed. Some believe that and others have their opinions, but I believe homes can get possessed. I’m a collector of haunted artifacts and I have a lot of dolls that move by themselves. Especially a ventriloquist dummy named Sam. This doll psychically attacked someone. I wasn’t there but there was a big scrape on this guy’s leg claiming the doll reached out and scratched him. Look…. I don’t want to reward the doll for it’s deed but I think it’s hilarious that this guy was a huge hater of mine and always insulting the artifacts. Well he learned the hard way. I can’t deny it, I love it! Respect the dolls!

        So if you are a believer in objects that can become possessed or haunted, then of course uuuuhhhh houses also and cars and anything. When you buy antiques at the shop, the object you’re buying always has residue energy from the former owner and becomes chatty.

         I’ve done countless houses. There is a smell. As a clairvoyant, I use this eye spectrum. In the spectrum, there’s the third eye ,ear, nose, taste, and toughness. It’s not just a third eye but a third self. I will tell you evil has a smell. If I could describe it, it’s damp, wet and cold. It’s also thick. It’s almost like I can feel my nose getting cold sweats. It’s hard to describe.

      I can smell when a person is going to die. It’s not a nice smell. It’s a little unpleasant but not the worst. If you go into a nursing home and notice something off about your scent then you’re probably smelling it.

      If you go into a nursing home and sense angels you’re probably a medium! 

I consider the convalescent home a Holy place. There’s angels all over the place!!! It’s wonderful actually. At least for me. I can see this stuff.

         So as a psychic, those are just spoken descriptions of what it’s like in a paranormal case. It’s dangerous work and not for everyone. It’s fascinating to lots but not me. I’m not impressed anymore. What I do like is getting evidence to show others and blow their minds. Of course check for EMF leaks. Electromagnetic radiation from electronics built in the walls can be off. That would cause an EMF leak. This energy will make people act possessed or even hallucinate. It’s a hidden poison. You can’t since it’s just there. As a psychic, I can sense it but that’s different. As a psychic, it feels like I always have this ringing in my ears. I believe it’s angels around me. I like to think of myself as a Holy Man. When I walk into a possessed home that pitch in my hearing changes. So if I’m around an EMF leak, I’ll get a different tone ever so slightly. In that case you need to call an electrician. An EMF leak can cause cancer or give you Lyme Disease type of feelings in your joints. I usually find where I think there’s an EMF leak and get my K2 meter to clarify it. K2 meters are fun!

My Deliverance Gift I Share

Nicholas R. Grossmann in the museum. 

I’ve casted more than a few demons out of a few troubled people. One was recent. Keep in mind when you choose this path to go against and fight the demonic they get revenge. It’s not an easy path and many have heart problems because of it. They get revenge. They love to mess with your car also. A broken down car is never fun.

       I was at a group psychic medium reading in Norwalk with 5 people. I was spot on with the readings there. I usually am, but this time I was very spot on. I always offer healing to anyone there if they have any injuries as a bonus. This lady said she had an injury in her shoulder so I laid my hands on her and said The Lord’s Prayer over and over. My hand started to get hot. She told me she also felt my hands warming up and sometimes they get so hot when I do this it’s uncomfortable for the person. Anyway her friend next to her was shivering and shaking. I asked her if she’s ok and she said all the sudden she was shaking and shivering. I came to an immediate conclusion that it was a low level demon reacting to me saying “The Lord’s Prayer”. So I casted out the spirit very easily by the same method. The idea is you’re a vessel and if you’re possessed or oppressed you want to make the demon’s life painful to the point where they can’t take it anymore and flee!The only way it’s done is through God’s word or Christ Consciousness. Also many religions practice Deliverance.

           Back to the lady I casted the demon out using God’s word. I then get into my car and drive from Norwalk to Fairfield. All of a sudden my radiator started to steam and smoke. My head gasket was blown and the car was no good anymore. I had to get rid of it and was without a car for 3 or 4 months. My psychic medium sessions took a huge hit as I do them in-person so this is not for everyone and not fun and games!

        But an interesting thing happened when we say the word Exorcist. We think of the movie and hope an exorcist is Catholic and a priest. What most people don’t know is there’s many different types of exorcists. Below are classifications  of types of exorcists in other spiritual faiths.


By Angela Musolesi

Father Gabriele Amorth, shown in Rome in 2005, performed exorcisms for the Rome Diocese. 

We have our famous and stereotypical Priest. It’s very rare to get an exorcism as this priest has to go through the Vatican. Exorcism is done by ritualist prayer and taking sacraments using it as spiritual weapons such as a Crucifix and Holy Water.In the Catholic Church, exorcism is a sacrament that involves prayer to expel demons or free people from demonic possession. Exorcisms are performed by priests who have special permission from the Catholic Church. 

Deliverance Minister

Bob Larson by The Spiritual Freedom Church

This special type of minister  has the ability to cast out demons using The Holy Spirit and intuitive calling upon The Holy spirit. This is not a ritual like exorcism, instead more your intuition which they believe to be God takes control.What do deliverance ministers do? Cast out demons or spirits, Help people overcome problems related to demons, Tear down spiritual strongholds, Help people find inner healing, and Claim victory in Christ over enemies. By the way, I’m a fan of Bob Larson.

Rabbi Exorcist

This is simply a rabbi who specializes in removal of spirits called dybbuk. They use black candles and other sacred objects. The Rabbi casts out the spirit and traps them in some supernatural contraption sealing it with wax and some type of ritual binding it to the bottle or box which is the vessel. Kabbalah is a book of mysticism. Kabbalah means “received.” In common use today, Kabbalah refers to the received wisdom of theology of Jewish practice built upon teachings handed down through the generations from Sinai. It is sometimes described as Jewish mysticism.

Bhūtavejjaka Monk

Buddhist monk performing exorcism.

I’m a proud owner of 3 sacred knives that are exorcism knives. I will NEVER get rid of them!! They are too cool. A lot of people never even heard of such a thing as a Buddhist Exorcist. I’m fascinated by it. We visit the Buddhist monastery and just for your information their cemeteries are unique and super peaceful. These are very powerful Monks that cast the demons out.

Raqi Islamic Exorcist

They practice a ritual called “Ruqyah” which involves reciting verses from the Quran to expel evil spirits (djinn) believed to be possessing a person; essentially acting as a Muslim exorcist. 

A Taoist Exorcist! There’s so many different kinds and that’s the point of this article!

Photo by The Center of Traditional Taoist Studies

So as you can see, there’s different kinds of rituals and different types for each faith. Don’t forget Shamanism though. I’m saying that broadley. As a Medicine Man myself, this comes natural. I call upon The Holy Spirit or Arch Angels to possess me. In doing this they heal peoples injuries and cast demons out.

           In my studies, it’s not just The Word of God but it’s also The Mathematics of God. The bible has code and is in perfect arithmetic; that’s so perfect an imperfect unclean spirit can’t exist or go near it. 

              For me I also have clairknowledeg and it’s as if I already have the wisdom ingrained in my soul. Because of this, I get understanding in a mystical way of who God is. He’s my friend.

              I’d like to share about the metapsychics and math of God just a bit so you can think for a while. We live in the 3rd dimension which is 3D. On the day Jesus was crucified he had two thieves crucified next to him both right and left. The 3 are symbolic of our 3rd dimension. And the 3 of them, Jesus, and the two thieves died and passed on to the afterlife.So the three of them are metaphorically for the right of passage to Heaven or whatever else (we can call it hell but to be frank there’s infinite amounts of realms). which is symbolic for 4rth dimension. The after life is fourth dimensional. Which would make God the highest and 5th dimension. You can’t hear the voice of God or even see God and that’s why he created his son Jesus as a middle man from him to the heavens and back to Earth and when you pray it goes from Earth to Him to Father our God in 5th dimension. Jesus is essential to deliver. I call this The Supernatural Highway. Zero did not exist and is empty but bigger than anything at the same time. That Zero created a thought which created energy. That energy is turned to matter and that matter is one dimensional. That piece of matter expanded and became 2 dimensional as like a blueprint would be. Genesis happened and let there be light in the 3rd dimensional and so on. From 3 we go to 4 and then it goes to 5. Don’t mind me, it’s exactly 3:02 am and I’m typing away and drinking coffee. As a writer when you get the energy type away! So I don’t mean to warp your mind.It always happens late at night or after 12am. I have to take advantage of the creative mind set and type away!

           I also have taken trips to Hindi Temples and they have these beautiful statues made of gold and jade and all this stuff. You have to take your shoes off and the Hindi Priest or Swami says prayer. They will not talk to you. As a psychic when I walked in and was in front of the Hindi Deity statue, it was almost too much energy even for me!!! I’m fascinated though.
    I would also say as much as I respect the Hindu philosophy I only go to one God but if you like philosophy you will love The Bhagavad Gita Hindu Holy Book. I highly suggest this. If anything I relate to Hindi it’s The Sikh. Again I’m not a believer in multiple deities but in terms of cosmic and psychic philosophies these people know a thing or two. I relate for sure. The food is absolutely amazing! Get the saag or chicken tikita. Also rice!! Don’t forget that!!If you’re a rice lover after eating this food, rice will never be the same again! It’s delicious!


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