Paranormal News

Mrherr Zaar 29. November 2020 · WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU RACIST SPACEMEN? Yesterday I watched a talk titled “Aliens or Alienated: Hidden Assumptions about Race that Persist in Paranormal Cultures” by a person known as Professor Wham: “Anomaly Archives Saturday Streamathon Fundraiser Series Part-Two” Anomaly Archives Time: 1:33:44 – 2:30:00 It derives in part
Some strange creatures are called “monsters” because, well, they are monstrous. The  Chupacabra certainly is. As are the Bigfoot creatures, the Abominable Snowman, the Jersey Devil, and the Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Other creatures achieve the term “monster” because of one thing: they are giant-sized. That’s right, it’s the scale that provokes the
La théorie Pygmée   Crétins des Alpes de la région de Grenoble (Carte postale, 1898) Les personnes de petite taille forment un ensemble très hétérogène, très disparate et hétéroclite, qu’il est nécessaire de différencier entre nanisme adaptatif et nanisme clinique. Le nanisme clinique, c’est-à-dire la résurgence génétique du nanisme dans une population de taille normale, donne
There was a time when everyone’s favorite dead psychic was Nostradamus – a.k.a. Michel de Nostredame – the French astrologer and seer whose book of 942 poetic future-predicting quatrains, “Les Prophéties,” was first published in 1555, 11 years before his death. However, in recent years, his cryptic predictions have lost popularity to those of Baba
History teaches us that when science is twisted in order to serve political demagogy, the results are never pretty: In the Stalinist era, Trofim Lysenko’s deranged agricultural ideas condemned millions into famine. Nazi Germans eschewed ‘Jew science’ like Einstein’s theory of Relativity, and favored pseudoscientific myths like the Hollow Earth and the Eternal Ice theory.
Any aliens in our galaxy have already likely annihilated themselves — the victims of too much progress, a new scientific study says. Researchers with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology have surmised that since past studies show a civilization’s technological advances “will inevitably lead to complete destruction and biological degeneration,’’ any
Model of the basilosaurid (aka zeuglodontine) archaeocete Basilosaurus (© Markus Bühler) For a short time during the mid-1990s, a mysterious freshwater beast said to inhabit a lowland lake on the island of New Britain, east of New Guinea, was making waves in both the literal and the literary sense. Known mostly as the migo (but
On October 3, 2018, a 56-year-old man went to sleep on a green tarp, under plaid and camouflage blankets, in downtown Eugene, Oregon. A bus camera captured his prostrate form next to a wall on Pearl Street at 8:39 p.m. Five minutes later, police say, another camera captured two teenagers “prowling,” checking car doors in
Advertisement Continue reading the main story Supported by Continue reading the main story Trilobites More Mammals Are Hiding Their Secret Glow First it was platypuses. Now we may be dealing with glowing Tasmanian devils, echidnas and wombats. Stuffed bare-nosed wombats fluoresce under a black light at the Western Australia Museum. Credit…Western Australia Museum Dec. 18, 2020
Has the State of Israel made contact with aliens?According to retired Israeli general and current professor Haim Eshed, the answer is yes, but this has been kept a secret because “humanity isn’t ready.”Speaking in an interview to Yediot Aharonot, Eshed – who served as the head of Israel’s space security program for nearly 30 years
— Edgar Mitchell, US Navy Officer, pilot of Apollo 14 Julia Mossbridge, PhD Nov 12 · 9 min read Art by RHADS by Julia Mossbridge, PhD with John Vivanco For hundreds of years, scientists, engineers, and mathematicians have quietly used intuition to help them be creative and make discoveries. But intuition does not belong