
PlanetFrog “Aeon of Light” Music Video

King’s Rest Records has released a video of its single Aeon of Light, made by British artist PlanetFrog and based on a rant from England’s Channel 4 TV.  The ranter is Howard Bloom, the man Channel 4  called the Einstein, Newton, Darwin and Freud of the 21st century,  The impassioned sermon by Bloom preaches shutting out the gods of war.

PlanetFrog made the music for Aeon of light, but the video was made by Eric Nye, who creates all the videos for Howard Bloom’s YouTube channel (  

Eric Nye might be humble and poke fun at himself, but make no mistake… he is a serious artist.

“My creative process is one defined by procrastination and perfectionism because I am, admittedly, a walking cliché.” Says Nye.  “I’m a writer, wannabe comedian, and an even-more-wannabe independent filmmaker, which for me, is a label that includes: director, writer, editor and even actor. I’ve managed to complete a few feature length narrative films and many shorts, which are all available on my YouTube channel Fallopium Films.”

But storytelling isn’t Nye’s only interest.

“I also have a deep passion for history, psychology, sociology, and, of course, philosophy– all of which led me to Howard Bloom… for his ideas spoke to me in ways no others had before.”  Bloom is the author of seven books, including The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History.  Says Nye, “When I read Bloom’s first book, The Lucifer Principle, I was impressed, and that’s an understatement.

“I knew I needed to meet Howard and help spread his vision in whatever way I could. My knowledge of video editing helped me do just that.”

“In making the music video for Aeon of Light, my goal was simple: make Howard’s philosophy as visceral and digestible as possible. I tried to cut together images that show the simultaneous beauty and barbarity of nature. This juxtaposition is one that’s always interested me, which I’m sure is what drew me to Howard’s philosophy to begin with.” 

Concludes Nye, “I wrote a poem about Bloom’s philosophy:

“It shines at a brilliance so bright,

blinded are the many upon its first sight.

Some look through lenses, clouded dark with tint.

But I don’t try to shade the light, I hate to even squint.”

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