Paranormal News

Share Article In the future, some futurologists believe that humans will gain immortality by transferring their consciousness into a machine. Through cutting-edge technologies and artificial intelligence, this transformation would give rise to a new kind of existence where humanity could exist indefinitely in a digital form.  But with such radical concepts comes a multitude of
Share Article When someone is conscious but they are unable to move or speak, they experience hallucinations such as seeing a mysterious dark figure nearby. Sometimes they might see what resembles a demonic force sitting upon their chest. The reasons why people with sleep paralysis see the same hallucinations are not fully understood. However, there
Charles Rosenay: Salem MA Paranormal & Horror Convention Salem ParaCon II Nov 11-12 Salem State University Salem ParaCon II: Salem, MA’s World-Class Paranormal & Horror Convention returns on Saturday and Sunday, November 11-12, 2023 (doors open 11:00am for General Admission/10am for Special VIP Early-Bird entry). At Salem State University South Campus Gym, 99 Harrison Road,
Share Article Video games have a long history of using non-playable characters (NPCs) as a way to explore themes of society and social interactions.  NPCs can be used to populate the game world and provide the player with information or quests. They can also be used to interact with the player, giving the player insights
Share Article This theory seems like a wild one but if people stop and think about it. Everything is controlled some way or another. People’s freedom is at risk in recent times more so than ever before. Perhaps we are being controlled in some way by unseen forces at work. Whether or not these entities
Share Article There are many concerns that artificial intelligence (AI) could pose a threat to humanity. Some experts believe that AI could become so powerful that it surpasses human intelligence, and that this could lead to a conflict between humans and machines. In addition, there are concerns that AI could become more powerful in terms
Share Article What Are Angel Numbers? Angel numbers are repeating number sequences that are believed to be messages from the spiritual realm. They can appear in a variety of places, such as clocks, license plates, receipts, and even in your dreams. The concept of angel numbers dates back to ancient Greece, when the philosopher Pythagoras
Share Article Skinwalker Ranch is a remote property located in the Uintah Basin of Utah that has been the site of reports of strange and unexplained phenomena. Some believe that the creatures responsible for the phenomena are shapeshifters, while others believe that the phenomena are caused by something else, such as aliens.  The history of