Artist’s rendition of a flying saucer’s abduction of a young cow. When five cattle were found mysteriously dead on a Oregon ranch last summer, the authorities found themselves baffled. The animals, prowling around in a remote part of country, had been mutilated and drained of blood. Body parts like tongues and genitals were completely removed.
An article, with rare and new content, written exclusively for Phantoms & Monsters By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Trilogy, available on while supplies last Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure First Encounter Woodrow Derenberger’s
An unknown entity, mimicking a teen’s mother and sister, is seen roaming the house just before it reacts to the boy’s presence and screams as it runs into the basement. The following account was forwarded to me: “I haven’t told anyone besides some family members this. This happened when I was about 13 or so.
As communities on Mexico’s Gulf coast brace themselves for what is predicted to be a grueling hurricane season, a group of stargazers in the north-eastern state of Tamaulipas are confident that a unique form of disaster preparation will keep their city safe. Members of the Association of Scientific UFO Research of Tamaulipas, or Aicot, believe
WHAT TRUMP REALLY KNOWS ABOUT ROSWELL July 2020 Two days before Father’s Day last month, President Donald Trump appeared on his son Donald Jr.’s podcast Triggered. At a certain point in the interview, Don Jr. asks his father about the subject of the Roswell UFO crash in July of 1947. He
On 7-19-20, going into 7-20-20, Coast to Coast AM with host George Knapp featured two members of TTSA, who are also partially responsible for heightened awareness of the UAP issue in the government, Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon. Elizondo spoke about the legality of hidden programs, and IF they do exist, how members could be