Today’s Featured Deals In case you missed yesterday’s most popular deals Previous Daily Deals Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina for $2.99 The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion for $2.99 The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin for $3.99 The Thirst by Jo Nesbo for $2.99 A Thousand Splendid Suns by
It’s unreal that we’re already counting down to Halloween and this year we have plenty of treats up our sleeve. Launching later this fall, Bloody Disgusting is excited to partner with Cinedigm on a completely free horror streaming network featuring a mix of horror classics, contemporary cult favorites, and original programming that will reflect the programming
There’s never a wrong time to welcome new Beyoncé content, but the arrival of her new visual album Black Is King on Disney+ feels even more necessary and cathartic right now. On Juneteenth, Beyoncé declared her secretive project Black Is King was on its way with a stunning surprise trailer. Bey wrote, directed, and executive-produced
Paweł Franik, a gifted photographer out of Warsaw, Poland, has presented a superb, individualistic series named On His Own. In this series, Franik draws attention to being content while being alone with oneself; it observes loneliness as a positive rather than a negative. Writing about the series Franik stated “I show this loneliness as something
WASHINGTON D.C. — The announcement came on the last Sunday of 2019. “I have been in some kind of fight—for freedom, equality, basic human rights—for nearly my entire life,” John Lewis said on December 29, revealing his stage IV pancreatic cancer diagnosis. “I have never faced a fight quite like the one I have now.”
UFOs have been back in the news  because of videos initially leaked, and later confirmed, by the U.S. Navy and officially released by Pentagon that purportedly show “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP) in our skies. Speculations about their nature have run the gamut from mundane objects like birds or balloons to visitors from outer space. It’s
If you’re looking for some light, cozy mysteries, you’ve come to the wrong place. These dark crime books aren’t for the faint of heart. Crime fiction includes a number of genres familiar to mystery readers. From courtroom dramas to psychological thrillers to police procedurals, crime fiction can come from many perspectives. But the books suggested
It would be wholly understandable if fans of Showtime’s original Penny Dreadful approached its “spiritual descendant” City of Angels with as much trepidation as excitement. How, we might wonder, could any offspring of John Logan’s beloved monster mash live up to the awful beauty of its parent? How could any new characters compare to the
EXCLUSIVE: Those in town assuming that one of the other big exhibition circuits will fall in line with AMC and seek their own 17-day theatrical window-PVOD deal with Universal will soon realize that it will be a cold day in hell. Cineworld CEO Mooky Greidinger, who oversees the world’s second largest chain, exclusively tells Deadline
High school was an awkward time that I could not wait to escape while it was happening and, though you couldn’t pay me to go back, it is still a time that is filled with some of my fondest bookish memories. I met friends who were avid readers and who shared their favorite books with