Today’s Featured Deals In case you missed yesterday’s most popular deals Previous Daily Deals Ayesha At Last by Uzma Jalauddin for $4.99 The Paragon Hotel by Lyndsay Faye for $4.99 In An Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire for $2.99 The Ballad of Black Tom by Victor LaValle for $3.99 Silent in the Grave by Deanna
These designers—and their brands—are changing the fashion industry for the better When some people hear the words “adaptive clothing,” their minds may instantly jump to images of sweatsuits and velcro closures. But, in actuality, adaptive clothing—a term used to describe clothing for people with disabilities and medical conditions that make getting dressed challenging—is super chic
Practicing your social isolation? It would certainly kill the arcades these days (if they still existed). Younger gamers probably never experienced the phenomenon that was the arcade. Before it was eclipsed by console gaming in the mid-90s, the arcade was the place to play some amazing video games, including some great horror titles. Some of
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SATURDAY UPDATE: Since cinemas reopened in China’s low-risk areas on July 20, the market today had its biggest day yet. Box office was $5.74M (RMB 40M) overall for the day, according to Maoyan figures. That reps a 38% jump from Friday. After leading last weekend and the midweeks, then dropping to No. 2 on Friday,
Today’s Featured Deals In case you missed yesterday’s most popular deals Previous Daily Deals Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn for $1.99 Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa for $1.99 Dear America by Jose Antonio Vargas for $3.99 How to Find Love in a Bookshop by Veronica Henry for $1.99 Yaqui Delgado Wants